To get the most out of our conversation together, consider the following questions and answer as thoroughly as you can. Please complete this exploration at least 24-hours prior to our discovery call. 

Thank you for your openness! 
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Take some time to write about life and career. Consider what inspires, energizes, and motivates you. Share anything that will give me insight into your work.

What has worked for you so far in achieving your goals?

What hasn’t been working for you?

Please describe why you are interested in coaching.

What outcome(s) would you like to achieve from our work together?
What personal change would you like to see after our work together?

"Self-reflective worksheets, journaling, and other personal exercises make me feel…"

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"Leading up to our call I am feeling…"

Check all that apply

What compels you to work with me?

Please use this space to include anything else you'd like me to know prior to our call.
If typing is not accessible for you, please record a voice note or video answering the above questions. Drop a shareable link to the audio/video file below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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