HOTD New Member Request
This form is for requests to join Hair of the Dog Lounge.  

If you are a current member, or if you have camped with HOTD before and have a current contact with the camp, you do not need to fill this out.  Just get in touch.  Otherwise, please give us your information below and we'll reach out as soon as we can!

If you have a group of people who would like to join, please choose a representative and have them fill this out on everyone's behalf.
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Email *
Your (real) name *
How many people are in your group? *
Just me!
Probably too many to add
Are you aware of our camp fee structure? *
What is your relationship to HOTD? *
Please provide the name of one or more HOTD members who will vouch for you (or N/A) *
Do you have a Burning Man ticket? *
What is your group's relationship to Burning Man? *
Anything else?  Tell us about yourself!
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