Total Tutoring - Application for Classes
We are pleased you have chosen us and look forward to tutoring your child. We are here to give every child their best chance of success, building on their strengths and helping with weaknesses. Total Tutoring is a professionally run tutoring company where all our tutors are highly skilled teachers. We believe that this gives your child high quality learning experiences and our aim is to help each child build confidence, understanding and the skills that they need for their education.

Different children have different needs, we teach in a mixture of groups (maximum class size is 4) and 1 to 1 tutoring. In our group sessions we bring together children with similar needs together as this allow us to focus our time most effectively. Of course, we are all experienced tutors, we love to challenge and encourage children; we use lots of different motivators: praise, stickers, sweets, challenges and competitions. Through this we create an atmosphere of success where the children listen carefully and enjoy the work. Each session is one hour: the cost of each group session is £30 and 1 to 1 sessions are £47.50 for 2021/22 academic year, these are reviewed annually.  Our term dates follow the Buckinghamshire school terms.

If you would like to proceed and in order to confirm your child's place please complete the following form and send your deposit to Total Tutoring Ltd.

This allows us to have essential information about your child and how we can communicate with you easily. The form ends with an agreement to our terms and conditions which can be found at along with the bank details. Term dates, FAQs and pricing is also on our website.

If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us at  
Thank you.
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