Hiking to Pustevny 13/11/2022

Hi guys,

ESN VSB – TU Ostrava goes hiking again. This time we are going to reach the Radhošť mountain, take a photo with a statue of Radegast, the god of beer and visit the popular saddle Pustevny where you can have lunch and visit the trail in the clouds called Stezka Valaška for FREE with us. You can look for outstanding views while being in the fresh air. 🤗

❗️For a pleasant experience, we strongly recommend bringing proper outdoor shoes (ideally waterproof) and warm clothes.

We will gather money for transportation from Ostrava to the mountain and back during the trip (no need to pay in the ESN office before this event). Entry to the trail Stezka Valaška is FREE with us.

If you are interested, please REGISTER using the form below because the number of places is very LIMITED this time because we need to fit into a bus.


🧡Meeting point: 7:08 at Náměstí Republiky. 

(Take the tram 8 at 6:49 from VŠB-TUO to Náměstí Republiky and we will wait for you there. Our next bus goes from the main bus station in Ostrava (ÚAN) at 7:30. 

🧡What with you: Outdoor sports shoes, warm clothes, ISIC card, snack, drinks

🧡Fee (bus tickets, round trip): approx. 100 CZK (under 26 years old and with ISIC card) or aprox. 200CZK (without ISIC card) 

🧡 Capacity: 25 people

See you,
Your ESN VSB – TU Ostrava team 😊

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