TheSimsBuilding Builder Spotlight Nominations
Hello there Builders and other Simsers! 

We're starting a new feature here on r/TheSimsBuilding called The Builder Spotlight, and we'd love for you to nominate your favorite builders on the subreddit! 

An ideal nominee fills one or more of the following requirements:
  • Has posted at least one build within the past 6 months.
  • Is someone that you often see helping another user with a build, whether it be figuring out a floor plan for a shell, or pointing out when those pesky platforms have gone rogue. 
  • Encourages other builders by commenting on their posts and/or giving constructive feedback.
Rules & Info
  1. You can nominate up to TWO builders/users per month.
  2. You cannot nominate yourself. If we find out you are nominating yourself you will be ineligible for future nominations and Spotlight Features.
  3. Spotlight winners will have a featured post on the subreddit that showcases their top builds in r/TheSimsBuilding and be given a special User Flair for the duration of their Spotlight.
  4. Winners will be chosen at random (depending on qualifications and number of nominations) by the mods. 
  5. The first Spotlight Feature will be posted on January 1, 2025

Share your nominees below! 
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Your Reddit username *
Who are you nominating? (Their Reddit username please) *
Why are you nominating this person? *
What is your favorite post from this person?
Are you ok with being named as the person who nominated in the Spotlight post? *
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