r/rangers Mid Season Feedback
In order to build the strongest subreddit for the Rangers community, it is important to gather feedback regarding the user experience. There is nothing we love more than hearing from the community about their experiences on r/Rangers or how we can improve the community even more. This survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes, and we will be reading the responses from everyone. Feel free to take the survey anonymously or include your username!

Happy Holidays & Let's Go Rangers!
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Reddit Username (optional)
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How long have you been a member of the r/rangers community? *
How often do you watch Rangers games? *
How do you watch the Rangers games?
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Please answer each statement regarding your personal experience on r/rangers *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The content on r/rangers is relevant to what I would expect to find on a subreddit about the New York Rangers
I feel like I am able to easily and openly contribute to the r/rangers community
Subreddit moderators are effective at policing offensive content
I feel safe from online harassing and cyber bullying when I am on r/rangers
I believe there is a balance between light hearted fun and serious discussions on r/rangers
Subreddit moderators are effective at policing low quality content
My favorite part of r/rangers is...
My least favorite part of r/rangers is...
If I could add any feature(s) to r/rangers it/they would be...
If I could remove any feature(s) from r/rangers it/they would be...
Other feedback that I would like the moderators to know: (We will read every message, we promise!)
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