Spoons Ice Cream Application
Thank you for your interest in joining our team! Please fill out the below application and click submit once you are finished. We will review your application and be in touch if we need to bring you in for an interview. Thanks again! -Kellie & Alyssa
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First & Last Name *
Date of Birth *
If you are under the age of 18, can you provide proof of eligibility to work? *
Address *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
How did you hear about us? *
Do you know anyone who currently works for us or has in the past? If so, what is their name? *
How many hours per week do you want to work? *
Do you have reliable transportation? *
Are you available weekends & holidays? *
Available Start Date *
Please check all the times below that you are available to work: *
Wajib diisi
Please provide two references. Please include their name, phone number & relationship to you. *
Why do you want to work at Spoons? *
Do you have prior work history? If yes, please describe your job(s) below. *
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