ALL-SPICE Project Climate Survey
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Your contributions to ALL-SPICE (please check all that apply) *
which All-SPICE activities do you participate in (please check all that apply) *
Section 1: General Perception and Engagement with the ALL-SPICE Project
How familiar are you with the goals and objectives of the NSF-funded STEM project?
To what extent do you feel the project role you have aligns with your professional expertise and goals?
 To what extent do you feel the ALL-SPICE project aligns with your personal values and cultural/community priorities? *
How would you rate your overall level of engagement with the project?
In what ways has the project impacted your professional growth and development?
Communication and Collaboration
How effective is the communication within the project team?
Rate the level and tone of collaboration between different members and departments involved in the project.
Have you experienced any barriers to effective communication or collaboration? If so, please specify.
How can communication and collaboration within the project be improved?
Support and Resources
How adequate are the resources (funding, equipment, support staff, etc.) allocated to the project?
Have you encountered any significant obstacles that hinder your work on the project? If yes, please describe.
What additional resources or support do you feel are needed for the project's success?
How satisfied are you with the training and professional development opportunities provided through the project? (e.g.. opportunities to present, publish, attend conferences, lead project components)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
How would you rate the project's efforts towards promoting diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ) in data science?
Don't know or can't judge
ALL SPICE DEIJ efforts are sincere, culturally informed, authentic
ALL-SPICE DEIJ efforts are effective
DEI and Justice are embedded in the project's vision and implementation
There is inauthenticity in the project's approach to DEI
The project focuses on student DEI but less so on inclusion of ofcaulty and staff
Inclusive pedagogy is embedded in formal and ifnorm eductaional and training programs in the project
The ALL-SPICE team reflects various forms of diversity
ALL-SPICE offers specific activities that are explicitly focused on DEIJ
In what ways do you think the project supports underrepresented groups in STEM?
Have you witnessed or experienced any form of bias or discrimination within the project? If comfortable, please share your experience.
Impact and Outcomes
Some of these questions are optional - please answer the ones that you can.
How do you perceive the impact of the ALL-SPICE project on data science in Hawaii and the Pacific regional community?
What makes you proudest about being part of the project?
How can the project better achieve its goals and maximize its impact?
What are the most significant achievements of the project so far, in your view?
Future Directions and Suggestions
What suggestions do you have for improving the project or addressing challenges faced by the team?
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