In the spirit of Matthew 25:35, this summer Youth Ministry members and their adult leaders are heading to North Haledon, New Jersey to be and gather as disciples in North Haledon, New Jersey.
Upon submission of this form, donations may be made through the OLQP FaithDirect link or by mailing your contribution to: Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, 2700 19th Street S, Arlington, VA 22204. Questions? Contact Youth & Young Adult Minister, Rebecca Grant Jenkins, rgrantjenkins@gmail.com. Thank you!
Mission Subsidies & Scholarships - The Catholic Heart Work Camp is $385 per participant.  To help defray the cost of participation, OLQP's registration fee is $275. To encourage discipleship, work campers are never turned away because of an inability to pay the $275 registration fee.
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THE WHEELS ON THE VAN GO ROUND & ROUND! - To transport our teams of young disciples to Northern New Jersey, we have rented three minivans. The minivans will be used to transport teams and their equipment to their respective work sites daily.  The cost of one minivan, fuel, and tolls is approximately $800 per vehicle.
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SAFETY FIRST! Safety gear is required for our team members to participate.  One team member can be outfitted for about $20 (masks, respiratory masks, ear plugs, gloves, goggles).  Three First-Aid kits are needed as well.
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GENERAL SUPPLIES - To supplement the work camp supplies, CHWC asks that we bring the following for each work camp participant.
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PERMANENT WORK CAMP TOOLS (multi-year use).  Work Camp teams are often asked to bring equipment to work sites. This equipment will be used for this and future work camps to come.
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BUILD DAY! -  Team Leads will help their work campers learn work site safety and how to use the various tools needed to make home repairs. We will be making two convertible tables for the OLQP campus.
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General Mission Support - Every donation helps our efforts to share our Matthew 25:35 mission with the North Haledon, NJ community!
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