Volunteer Form
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1) Parent Name (First & Last) *
Neosho Wildcat Band
Hello Wildcat Band Parents! We are excited for the 2022-2023 marching season and school year. Marching season is a very busy time but it is so much fun to be a part of it. We can ALWAYS use help and appreciate ANY time that you are able to volunteer! It is a great way to meet other parents and really be a part of the amazing band experience with your child. With that being said, we know that everyone has different strengths and areas that they prefer to help with. If you could take a moment to fill out this volunteer form it will give us an idea of what areas you would enjoy helping with and allow us to find coverage in any holes. Even if you can only help with one thing it is appreciated.

Band events are located on the calendar on the band webpage: www.neoshoband.com

2) Student Name (First & Last) & Grade. Please list all students you have in band.                                                (ex. John Doe-9th)                                                                                   *
3) Phone Number *
4) Preferred Method of Communication *
6) In what areas would you like to volunteer?
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