MPI Forum Editorial Changes
Bill Gropp went through the entire MPI Standard and came up with this list of issues that should be addressed to generate a high quality standard document. Because of the wide range in scope of these issues, the MPI Forum needs to help decide how each of these issues should be treated. Please indicate your preference for each of these issues below.
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Issue: 161 - Throughout - What is the formatting for the data-representations, such as "external32" and "native"?  Does it include the double quotes?  What is the font?  Are these all indexed (they could be \const values)? Not all uses include the double quotes.
Use \const{"external32"}
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Issue: 162 - Throughout - Tables 14.1 and 14.2 shows a different version of a list of constants with short descriptions. Should we use this uniformly? Contrast with the datatype list in 14.3, and the one on page 660 in chapter 18.
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Issue: 163 - Throughout - What is the format for "Fortran 2008 TS 29113"? Is there a + (page 639 doesn't use one)? Is it F2008+TS 29113?
Check with MPI Fortran committee
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Issue: 164 - Throughout -  Use mpiterm = value, not mpiterm == value, to express the cases where mpiterm has the value "value".
Edit to update
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Issue: 165 - Throughout - Throughout, \const is often used where \error, \errormain, and related macros should be used (to properly index the terms).
Edit to update
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Issue: 166 - Section 16.1.3, Table 16.2 - p. 634 - The replacements here are not datatypes. This caption is incorrect.
Change the caption to "Removed MPI-1 datatypes. The indicated routine may be used for changing the lower and upper bound respectively."
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Issue: 167 - Section 3.3.2 - p. 38 - "sent by a C or C++ process - I don't know what a "C process" is and I think that the natural interpretation (main written in C) isn't even correct - since it really refers to the language binding used for the specific call that sends the message, e.g., in a program with a C main program but one that calls a library, written in Fortran, that makes MPI calls.
Change "sent by a C of C++ process" to be specific - "sent from a routine using the MPI C language interface" Same for the "Fortran process" in that same sentence.
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Issue: 168 - Section 12.4.3 - p. 515 - The text about "argc and argv is optional" is incorrect - the arguments are required, but the values may be NULL.  This should be compared with MPI_Init and both made consistent and correct. Specifically, this textIn C, the passing of argc and argv is optional, as with MPI_INIT as discussed in Section 8.7. In C, null pointers may be passed in their place.should use the same text as for MPI_INIT:
Change to "The version for ISO C accepts the argc and argv that are provided by the arguments to main or NULL."
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Issue: 169 - Section 13.4.1 - p. 535 - The MPI equivalents are MPI_FILE_READ ..." is *incorrect*. The MPI routines have different semantics than the POSIX routines.  Equivalent is the wrong term.
Instead, "The MPI routines to read from and write to a file are …"
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Issue: 170 - Section 13.7 - p. 584 - This says that error handlers are inherited from MPI_COMM_WORLD.  Didn't this change to MPI_COMM_SELF (see 8.3)? Also see the rationale on the same page.
Change MPI_COMM_WORLD to MPI_COMM_SELF for these references
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Issue: 171 - Section 4.1.1 - p. 87 - INTEGER*8 is not a Fortran type.  It is a common extension; this should be acknowledged.
Add a footnote after "these arguments" with text "This assumes that the Fortran 77 system accepts the common extension of "INTEGER*8" for 8 byte integers."
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Issue: 172 - p. 104 - Example 4.8 uses "sizeofreal" without defining it - it is pretty obvious, but making it clear that it is sizeof(REAL) would be better. This could use the new Fortran SIZEOF operator (storage_size).
Update the example to use Fortran operator, or use MPI_TYPE_GET_EXTENT as in Example 4.13 and elsewhere
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Issue: 173 - Section 11.2.3 - p. 435 - Font for "size" and for i in "process i"
size is \mpicode and process $i$ should use math mode
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Issue: 174 - Section 13.2.8 - p. 528 - font for info in "Hints specified via info"
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Issue: 175 - Section 18.1.20 - p. 681 - Why are examples 18.5ff at the end of the chapter?
Editor to figure this out
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Issue: 176  - p. 386 - MPI_INITIALIZED needs (logical) for flag
Suggest asking the bindings committee to review
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Issue: 177 - p. 387 - MPI_ABORT needs the arg types (e.g., (handle))
Suggest asking the bindings committee to review
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Issue: 178 - p. 439 - MPI_WIN_ATTACH - the base and size arguments need (choice) and (non-negative integer) respectively
Suggest asking the bindings committee to review
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Issue: 179 - p. 440 - MPI_WIN_DETACH - the base argument needs (choice)
Suggest asking the bindings committee to review
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Issue: 180 - p. 690 - MPI_STATUS_F2F08 and MPI_STATUS_F082F need the types for the arguments, e.g., (Status) or something like that.
Suggest asking the bindings committee to review
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Issue: 181 - Section 8.7 - p. 382 - for the argv info key, "argv  Space separated arguments to command".  What if the arguments contain spaces? Is there an escape for spaces? Is this case just not handled?
Suggest adding "If an argument contains a space, there is no way to tell from the value of the argv info key whether a space is part of the argument or is separating different arguments."
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Issue: 182 - Section 5.12.4 - p. 206 - MPI_ISCATTERV. Are the descriptions of sendcounts and displs consistent with other expressions.
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Issue: 183 - Section 1.12 - p. 6 - What is not included in the standard, dates from 1.0. In particular, the "time constraint".  Further, this section would benefit from having text about relying on existing practice as much as feasible.
Edit to update
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Issue: 184 - Section 1.13 - p. 8 - At the end of that section, there is text on the JOD.  This is now even more out-of-date.  It also doesn't mention any other documents, such as the MPIR docs. It should note that the JOD hasn't been updated since MPI-2.0.
Edit to update that the JOD dates from MPI-2 and that this material is mentioned mostly as historical background on the development of the standard
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Issue: 185 - Section 1.13 - p. 8 - Re-write the last item that starts "Several Index pages..." to be specific about the indices, and to provide links as in the other items in this list.
Edit to update
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Issue: 186 - Section 3.2.4 - p. 31 - The (However, it is unsafe...) does not need the parenthesis.
Remove the parenthesis
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Issue: 187 - Section 3.3.2 - p. 38 - Index XDR
Edit to update
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Issue: 188 - Section 3.5 - p. 45 - Example 3.9 is an erroneous example but you have to read it carefully to know that.  It would be better if, like some other erroneous examples, it had a comment to that effect within the example.
Edit to update
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Issue: 189 - Section 3.7.4 - p. 58 - Section 3.7.4, index progress.
Edit to update
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Issue: 190 - Section 3.7.5 - p. 60 - The inline of MPI_WAIT(&array_of_request[i], ...) in the description of MPI_WAITANY should (a) be a display and (b) address the C-bias of this code. Similarly for TESTANY and WAITALL
Edit to use language independent version and display mode.  An alternative is to write in C and/or Fortran, and make that clear.
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Issue: 191 - Section 4.1.4 - p. 101 - r[i] should probably be \code{r[i]}, since it refers to code. Or should this be an mpicodeblock?  Ditto for cyclic()
Edit to update, using code (since examples are in C)
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Issue: 192 - Section 5.1 - p. 144 - Consider adding collective semantics to the index (semantics!collective communications)
Edit to update
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Issue: 193 - Section 5.1 - p. 146 - Index "hidden" communicator
Edit to update (also page 237, 472)
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Issue: 194 - Section 5.12 - p. 199 - Section 5,12, progression rules.  index progress.
Edit to update
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Issue: 195 - Multiple occurances - p. 218 - API is used without definition, and only used occasionally.  A consistent term should be used for the MPI specification, and used consistently.
Add to chapter 2?
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Issue: 196 - Section 6.2.4 - p. 248 - Host process in the section on 6.2.4.  What is a host process? Probably need to remove that.  Also, remove or change the "machine dependant absolute address" as applied to MPI_COMM_WORLD.  See also 8.1.
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 197 - Section 7.5.7 - p. 332 - In 7.5.7, Example 7.8 is mixed C and language independent - it needs to be either all C or all language independent.  To make language independent, it should use mpicodeblock environment, and not have a ';' at the end of the call.
Make language independent
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Issue: 198 - Section 7.6.1 - p. 336 - Unnumbered example on page 336 uses "l" (ell) as a variable - this is hard to distinguish from "1" (one). Suggest using a different variable
Suggest using k instead of l (ell), since previous loop uses k. Alternative is to use m and n for the two loops
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Issue: 199 - Section 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 - p. 338 - Process \mpicode{j} and $j$ are used in different paragraphs. One is in a math context and the other is a code context, but it is jarring.
Since the "j" in "proocess j" is not in the code, use math mode for it in 7.6.1.
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Issue: 200 - Section 7.6.2 - p. 341 - Is recvcounts[l] (in sans-serif) recvcounts[ell] or recvcounts[one]? ell should not be used as an index (or most any other) variable. Similar problems in other sections (e.g., 7.6.1)
Suggest using k instead of l (ell), since previous loop uses k. Alternative is to use m and n for the two loops.
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Issue: 201 - Section 8.1.2 - p. 361 - MPI_HOST - is this obsolete?  What exactly does this mean?  We should deprecate.
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 202 - Section 8.2 - p. 365 - Index cray pointers.  Check whether gfortran (a) supports cray pointers and (b) needs -fcray-pointer (Note that 6.3.0 accepts that without complaint).
Edit to update
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Issue: 203 - Section 8.4 - p. 374 - Why not alphabetize the error classes in table 8.1 and 8.2?
Edit to update
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Issue: 204 - Section 8.8 - p. 391 - Example 8.14/8.15 and surrounding text refers to RS/6000 and Sun workstations. This is archaic text.
Remove references to particular system names
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Issue: 205 - Chapter 10 througout; see POE page 404 - p. 399 - Chapter 10: Old, unexpanded acronyms and terms (e.g., MPP) and very old software (e.g., IBM POE) should be updated (history is fine, but should clearly be in a historical context).
Update text by expanding acronyms and making historical refs clearly historical
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Issue: 206 - Section 10.1 - p. 399 - 10.1 Is the extensive reference to PVM still relevant?
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 207 - Section 11.1 - p. 430 - 11.1, At the end.  What font(s) should be used for destination=target etc?
Edit to use \mpicode
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Issue: 208 - Section 11.5 - p. 466 - "billboard" should be "bulletin board" ? plus add a reference.
Change to bulletin board
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Issue: 209 - Section 11.5 - p. 466 - Review font choice for post, start, complete, wait.  Should these be mpicode?
use \mpicode for post/start/complete/wait
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Issue: 210 - Section 11.5.5 - p. 478 - Inconsistent (on the same page!) "bit-vector OR" "bit vector or"; note "bit-vector \texttt{IOR}" (so should OR be in \code{OR}?)
Change to use \code{OR}
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Issue: 211 - Section 11.8 - p. 496 - Examples 11.20 looks different than other examples that show two (or more) processes (e.g., Example 11.18).  These should have the same style.
Edit Example 11.18 to use "Process B…:" and add text to that example explaining the format: "In the following, "Process B…" means any other process besides process A, and is used where multiple processes may execute the code in that column."
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Issue: 212 - Example 11.21 - p. 497 - Add the missing ":" and delete the blank line after the process names to match other use in this chapter
Edit to update
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Issue: 213 - Section 13.2.1 - p. 522 - Do we still use "Fortran 90" (page 522)? More generally, how do we refer to Fortran, esp with TS29113.
Change all uses of Fortran 90 to "Fortran" or "Fortran + TS29113" if that TS is required.  Refer only to Fortran 77 if that standard is required, or to a particular version of Fortran (as officially adopted).
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Issue: 214 - Section 13.2.5 - p. 526 - Instead of "expensive", use "time consuming"?
Update as suggested
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Issue: 215 - Section 13.6.3 - p. 577 - Section 13.6.3, index progress
Edit to update
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Issue: 216 - Section 13.6.10 - p. 579 - Index "size changing" (note italics - should this be bold?)
Edit to update
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Issue: 217 - Section 13.8 - p. 584 - "can be converted into the error classes" - this is not really correct; the correct statement is that the error class can be extracted from the error code.  Should compare with Error Class discussion for RMA or MPI-1.  More generally, some chapters have an explicit section on I/O Error Classes, and others do not.  Should the document be more consistent about this, particularly for classes that are really primarily for operations described in that chapter?
For this sentence and the one after it "In addition, calls …" , replace with: "Each implementation dependent error code returned by the I/O routines belongs to either one of the error classes in Table 13.5 or one of the other MPI error classes." . The more general question requires Forum discussion.
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Issue: 218 - Section 17.1 - p. 635 - Under backward incompatibilities, comm_dup (and comm_idup?) no longer propopates info hints.
Update text
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Issue: 219 - Section 18.1.10 - p. 664 - "new MPI-2 functions" drop the "new"
Update as suggested
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Issue: 220 - Section 18.1.16 - p. 671 - Rather than name the sections at the end of this section, make sure to use links.
Use link in the bullet that begins "to minimize the burden..." for the sections, rather than there names.  Where these are not sections (e.g., paragraph headings), change the text appropriately.
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Issue: 221 - Section 18.1.17 - p. 674 - What font should be used in paragraph titles for ASYNCHRONOUS, MPI_F_SYNC_REG
Suggest using the same font as for other Fortran code (\texttt). See all paragraph entries in 18.1.17
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Issue: 222 - Section 18.2.3 - p. 686 - "same answer" can't be taken literally - logical values aren't required to be the same in every language.
Add after "… same error handlers.": "In the above, 'same answer' means same truth value - the representation of true and false may be different in different languages."
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Issue: 223 - Annex B - p. 843 - The change log has inappropriate entries (see #11, "Like MPI_PROBE..." The change log should *only* point out the change, not provide more information about it.
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 224 - Annex B - p. 850 - A particularly egrigious example of a bad entry, #8 includes an advice to implementors (!!!)
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 225 - Bibliography - p. 858 - Reference 42, the URL for is no longer available (I get a "Forbidden: You don't have permission to access this resource."); the same is true for the ftp site. We may need to refer to the official version at , even though this is not freely available.
Change to the reference
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Issue: 226 - General Index - p. 860 - General Index.  Better explain "Bold face numbers mark section titles"
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Issue: 227 - MPI Constant Index - p. 868 - In constant index, add text that the underlined entries are the "primary" definitions
Add "Underlined page numbers give the location of the primary definition or use of the indexed term."
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Issue: 228 - Multiple occurances - Examples. Some do not have titles, others do (instead, beginning with text).  Do we care? Example 7.1 consists solely of a table.  There should be a short description, at least. Example 11.5 starts with code.  There should be a short description. Example 14,1 starts with code. Example 14.2 starts with code. Example 14.3 starts with code. Example 18.12 starts with code Example 18.13 starts with code Example 18.14 starts with 4 parts; it needs an intro to the parts. Ditto 18.15
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 229 - Multiple occurances - The example environment is not used consistently.  See, for example, 6.5.1, "Example #1a" - this should be \begin{example} .... . This continues into 6.5.2, 6.5.3, 6.5.4 (which should *not* be a separate section - "Example #4" is a terrible section title.  6.5.5 ditto. 6.5.6 ditto. 6.6.3 has another "Example 1", "Example 2". 10.4.6 (several places). Section 6.7.6 has an attributes example, but does not use the example environment. Page 580, section 13.6.11 also has examples without the environment. Page 584, section 13.9.1 ditto. Also 13.9.2. Page 658, after MPI_Type_create_f90_integer, no example environment. Page 662, ditto.
Update to use the example environment in all cases, and to correctly use the \label and \ref commands in the LaTeX source. Update section title for 6.5.4 to "Communication Safety Example"
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Issue: 230 - Multiple occurances - Is it inter-communicator or intercommunicator? (See section titles for 6.2.3, 6.2.4
Use intercommunicator and (also intracommunicator)
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Issue: 231 - Multiple occurances - Is it non-blocking or nonblocking? Is non-blocking preferred?
Use non-blocking
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Issue: 232 - Multiple occurances - Check uses of which and correct to ", which" or "that"
Update to use which and that as appropriate
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Issue: 233 - Multiple occurances - Should PVM and similar items be indexed?
Yes, and index in the general index
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Issue: 234 - Multiple occurances - Consider adding progress to index.  Insure mpi, mpif.h, mpi_f08 in the correct font in the index.
Add progress to index; update font for Fortran include/modules.
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Issue: 235 - Throughout - Some of the index entries in the examples index are much too long.
Propose updates to the chapter committee (primarily tools)
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Issue: 236 - Throughout - Index thread-safe; Index Threads!POSIX and POSIX threads
Edit to update
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Issue: 237 - Throughout - Index all (relevant) references to semantics of operations.  See, e.g., page 523.
Edit to update
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Issue: 238 - Throughout - Index TS29113
Edit to update
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Issue: 239 - Throughout - In constant and predefined handle index, many entries do not have a "primary" entry (where the item is first defined; other entries should be where used).
Find relevant entry; could enlist chapter committees
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Issue: 240 - Throughout - What is the punctuation for Examples, as in "Example 8.5 The following code is correct(i.e., is there anything after the number (e.g., 8.5:) or the phrase  (e.g., is it ...correct or ...correct:)
Edit all to have a period after the example number.
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Issue: 241 - Throughout - In use of \paragraph{...}, should the item end with a period, as in \paragraph{The \mpiarg{maxprocs} argument.}? Some do and some don't. Also, should \paragraph or \paragraph* be used?
Edit to end with a period, and to always use \paragraph*
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Issue: 242 - Throughout - In use of the description environment, should the items be  \item[foo]textor  \item[foo] --- text(the latter is used in section 11.2.1).  In 13.2, a : (colon) is usedinstead of the ---. More generally, there is no consistency in the use  of description-like environments. See, for example,Page 42 (in advice to implementors, e.g., ready send: ....)Page 97, MPI_ORDER_C etc.Page 268, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED - this type ...Page 269, the list starting mpi_assert_no_any_tag (boolean, default:false). Note also that all descriptions of info keys and valid valuesshould follow the same format (which they do not now).Page 315, the list of topology information is an enumerate within anitemize (!) - e.g., 1. ndims (number of dimensions) ...Page 361, MPI_TAG_UB etc. Then note the very different formatting *onthe same page* for Tag Values, Host Rank, etc.Page 366, MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL etc.Page 383, "command Name of program ... "Page 404, "The argv argument " ...Page 429, Section 11.1. "Remote write: ..." (this *might* be ok)Page 432, no_locks etc.  Notes these are info keys; see the verydifferent list on page 269.Page 443, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_CREATE ...Page 464, active target communication etc. An itemize *may* beappropriate here.Page 479, MPI_MOD_NOCHECK etc. - these are asserts, but should be in aconsistent description environment.Page 484, fence: etc.Page 522, MPI_MODE_RDONLY etc.Page 530, "access_style (comma ...)" Use consistent format for infoitems.  Also note here that "integer" means "integer expressed as astring"Page 549, MPI_SEEK_SET etc.Page 555, The same MPI_SEEK_SET list.Page 610, MPI_T_PVAR_CLASS_STATE etc.
Update to use \item[foo]text consistently, and to use for all so lists.
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Issue: 243 - Throughout - A macro is needed for the INTERFACE blocks, such as those for INTERFACE MPI_WIN_ALLOCAE_SHARED to ensure uniformity (see page 434 and others)
Need to coordinate with pythonization
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Issue: 244 - Throughout - Erroneous examples.  See the example on page 581, section 13.6.  This example is clearly marked as erroneous.  Should all such examples be marked in the same way?
Mark all erroneous examples as the example on 581: /* ----------------  THIS EXAMPLE IS ERRONEOUS --------------- */ (or the Fortran equivalent)
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Issue: 245 - Throughout - Various.  In text, "INTEGER(KIND=...)" and "INTEGER (KIND=...)" are used (and sometimes with a ~ for the space).  Pick one and use consistently.  Also be consistent in the examples.
Use "INTEGER(KIND=…)" to avoid line breaking between INTEGER and (KIND=…)
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Issue: 246 - Throughout - Some chapters use bold for emphasis and new terms, others do not. See, for example, "connected" on page 425 in 10.5.4.
Edit to use proper term macros; search for use of emph
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Issue: 247 - Section 5.12.8 - p. 210 - MPI_IALLTOALLV.  Note the misalignment of the arg "request" - this is because of bogus spaces in the LaTeX for these.  See also MPI_IREDUCE.
Check that pythonization fixes these
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Issue: 248 - Section 13.5 - p. 536 - Under Coordination.  This text predates the addition of nonblocking collective routine and needs to be corrected.
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Issue: 249 - Throughout - Do we use MPI_FUNC(all args) in text, or just MPI_FUNC? Section 3.8 uses MPI_IMPROBE(source, tag, ...)
Need to discuss with chapter authors
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Issue: 250 - Chapter 2 - p. 12 - Semantic terms. The group of terms between "predefined" and "equivalent" only describe these terms with respect to datatypes. There are other predefined values (e.g., MPI_COMM_WORLD), and equivalent objects (e.g., Groups).
Add "The following terms apply to MPI datatypes" before "predefined".
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Issue: 251 - Section 2.10 - p. 22 - We could mention that we do endeavor to check the examples, e.g., that they at least compile.
Add "Many of the examples have been compiled by tools that extract the examples from the source files for the MPI Standard."
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Issue: 252 - Section 3.2.2 - p. 27 - The list of MPI datatypes that correspond to REAL*2 etc. should note that REAL*2 etc. are obsolete extensions to the Fortran standard, and are provided for convenience.  Users should take advantage of the "KIND" versions and related MPI routines.
Add a footnote after "additional data types" : These types, such as DOUBLE COMPLEX and INTEGER*4, are not standard Fortran but are common extensions to Fortran."
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Issue: 253 - Section 3.8.3 - p. 73 - The "as if a receive from MPI_PROC_NULL..." is odd language and should be improved.
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Issue: 254 - Example 4.17 - p. 128 - In the comment "... the following may be safer" it would be clearer to add "than the above".  Or, since the code is creating a new type, it might be better to say:
/* Since the compiler may pad the structure, it is best to explicitly set the size of the MPI datatype for a structure element.  We  do this with MPI_Type_create_resized */
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Issue: 255 - Example 4.19 - p. 132 - Example 4.19 uses the variable "i" both to get an address (as an MPI_Aint) and as a loop index.  This really should use different variables; I recommend using "ubase" or "ubaseadd" for the address. It also uses a variable "mpi_utype" which violates the rule of avoiding "MPI_" prefixes.  This case is actually allowed, but may suggest to the reader that other, global, symbols can start with "mpi_".
Edit example as suggested
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Issue: 256 - Section 5.1 - p. 143 - Chapter 5, section 5.1.  This text is out of date because it doesn't mention the persistent collectives, but does enumerate all of the other collective routines.  It would benefit from some introductory text before launching into barrier/ibarrier etc. It is also a bit misleading for intercommunicator collectives.
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 257 - Section 5.1 - p. 144 - On the second page, there is the statement "This statement excludes, of course, the barrier operation.". However, in the context where this is placed, there are other collectives which are synchronizing by their semantics (not just their implementation), e.g., Allreduce and Alltoall. As such, this text is misleading.  A fix is to mention routines that are semantically synchronizing, and give a few examples without providing a complete list.
Simplest is to add "and other routines whose semantics imply synchronization."
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Issue: 258 - Section 8.3 - p. 366 - 8.3 starts "An MPI implementation cannot or ..." The cannot is odd here. Consider better text (may be unable or choose not to ...)?
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 259 - Section 8.5 - p. 377 - (Twice, after description of add_error_class and add_error_code) Why is the advice to implementors made? Why is this a property of a high-quality implementation? Excactly what does "the same deterministic way" mean? Recommend deleting this advice to implementors about deterministic mpi_add_error_class and mpi_add_error_code
Delete the advice to implementors in both places
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Issue: 260 - Section 8.7.2 - p. 389 - 8.7.2 "One of the goals of MPI was .." Is it not still a goal? Why the past tense?
Change was to is
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Issue: 261 - Section 10.3.2 - p. 402 - What is a "static SPMD or MPMD application" (the "static")? I presume the opposite of dynamic, but I don't believe this is common use, and that doesn't even fit in with the usage here.
Change to say "SPMD or MPMD applications with a fixed number of processes after initialization"
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Issue: 262 - Section 11.3.5 - p. 458 - "Upon returning from a completion call..., the MPI_ERROR field in the associated status object is set appropriately (see Section 3.2.5)".  What does this mean?  MPI_ERROR is only used for multiple completion calls - should this indicate that?  Is that what is meant by "set appropriately"? Note that in most cases, the MPI_ERROR field is required to be unchanged, even if there is an error (the error code is the routine return value).
Suggest changing this to make it clear that MPI_ERROR is set only in multiple completion calls (MPI_Waitall, MPI_Waitsome, MPI_Testall, MPI_Testsome), and that otherwise the error code is returned in the usual way (value of routine in C, ierror parameter in Fortran)
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Issue: 263 - Section 11.7 - p. 482 - "MPI exception" is used, but this term is not well defined (and the usage is the "signal an MPI exception" - MPI doesn't signal.
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 264 - Section 13.2.8 - p. 530 - In I/O (starting collective_buffering), "target nodes" are used without definition or introduction.  This section should provide some definitions and the abstract execution model to which these terms apply
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 265 - Section 13.2.8 - p. 530 - Similarly, under the chuncked options, these terms are not precise. E.g., what is an "array entry"?
Chapter committee to update
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Issue: 266 - Section 13.3 - p. 533 - For MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW, there is a phrase starting "These displacements are not required to be distinct". It should be clearer what "these" refers to.
Needs chapter committee to suggest
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Issue: 267 - Section 13.4.4 - p. 553 - Is "shared offset" really "offset implied by the shared file pointer"? See, e.g., the paragraph after "Collective Operations" after MPI_FILE_IWRITE_SHARED ("shared offce accesses by the same …"
Change "shared offset" to "offset implied by the shared file pointer"
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Issue: 268 - Section 14.3.7 - p. 615 - Any call executed in a session must not influence the results in any other session" I do not know how to implement this if *any* timers are used, or in many other cases.  This term is too broad.
Perhaps narrow this to any other MPI_T call? Even then, timing results may be influenced, and any counters that depend on message timing.
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Issue: 269 - Throughout - Throughout, for consideration.  In the Fortran bindings, we use  <type> a(*), b(*)for anonymous addresses/pointers.  But these need not be of the same*Fortran* type, e.g., the use might be  INTEGER a(*)  REAL  b(*)These bindings would be clearer if the were listed as  <type> a(*)  <type> b(*)
Need to coordinate with pythonization
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Issue: 270 - Section 3.8.4 and 3.9. - p. 79 - There is a comment in MPI_Cancel about why a pointer to MPI_Request is passed.  This same logic applies to MPI_Start, but is not mentioned there.  Should it be for consistency (and they could cross-reference each other)?
Copy the rationale from MPI_Cancel to the description of MPI_Start
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Issue: 271 - Chapter 9 (no subsection !) - p. 397 - Description of MPI_INFO_GET_NTHKEY.  What is the correct font for $N$, and should it be n (lower case), or should it be a different letter (to avoid confusion with the n and N in the arg list for this routine? Note that the MPI_T routines use \mpicode for these values (page 616).
Use \mpicode instead of math mode; check for consistent use elsewhere in the document.  Alternative - change other uses, such as the one in MPI_T, to use math mode.
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Issue: 272 - Example 11.6 and later - p. 485 - Starting with Example 11.6.  Other examples use "------" under the "Process A" (and use "Process 0" instead of "Process A:", not the colon).  See also 11.7.4, which has a display of code. See also Example 11.18ff, See also Example 18.1ff, and See page 676, which uses a similar but *different* format.
Edit to update
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Issue: 273 - Section 12.4.2 - p. 513 - These clarifications may be a (rare) correct use of \paragraph, but in that case, the should consistently end in a period.
Edit to update
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Issue: 274 - Section 13.27 - p. 530 - key/value used here, other forms (such as key-value, page 320 and (key,value) page 384) elsewhere. How do we refer to key,value in the document?
Change to use (key,value)
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Issue: 275 - Section 13.4 - p. 537 - etype and filetype are in the wrong font.  (see, e.g., page 533)
Search for etype and filetype and use correct command (\mpiarg or \mpicode)
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Issue: 276 - Section 18.1.4 - p. 643 - Should the itemize list leaders "Define..." be lowercase? What is the consistent (and correct) use?  Ditto page 644 in 18.1.5 rationale.
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Issue: 277 - Section 18.1.7 - p. 643 - The phrase "set to" used here instead of the use of "=" used elsewhere.  This may be ok, but there is an instance of == here.
Edit to update
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Issue: 278 - Section 18.1.9 - p. 661 - Page 661 used MPI_<TYPE>n . I believe this is the only use of <TYPE>
Edit to use a different format (look at the other uses where different options are included for MPI routines)
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Issue: 279 - Section 18.1.17 - p. 677 - 18.1, "Note that if the intent .." intent should be in Fortran font, as INTENT
Use \ftype
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Issue: 280 - Multiple occurances - Some function definitions are missing or have inconsistent (with similar arguments in other functions) descriptions. See, for example, MPI_TESTALL (page 62) description for the flag argument should use the same text as MPI_TESTANY (page 60), except "true if all..."
Suggest asking the bindings committee to review
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Issue: 281 - Multiple occurances - In the function defintions for arrays, is the description singular (array of handle) or plural (array of handles)? Pick one and be consistent. See also MPI_TYPE_CREATE_STRUCT - see "array of handles to datatype objects". Is this the format that we use?
Suggest asking the bindings committee to review
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