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Scotch and Scotch
This is the subscription form for the Scotch and Scotch activity. Please fill this in if you want to join!
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What is your name?
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What is your email-address?
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How would you like to join?
I would like to join and drink the 3 whiskys (for €3.75).
I would like to join, but I don't want whisky.
If you want to join and drink the whiskys, how would you like to pay?
I will pay by card at the activity
Bank transfer to NL94 INGB 0007 7388 31 to "Student Chess Club Eindhoven Noesis". Don't forget to complete the sign-up sheet after payment!
I don't want whisky.
What are you most hyped about?
Joosts wealth of knowledge on the world of Scotch whiskys
Bas' ten years of experience in the Scotch opening
Joost wearing a kilt
Bas wearing a kilt
If you have any questions or comments, leave them here!
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