AARC Sponsorship Registration Form
Thank you for sponsoring our 2023 Phils Tavern 5K race. Please provide the following information so we can promote your sponsorship to our members, race participants, and the community in general.
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E-Mail-Adresse *
Name of Sponsoring Business/Organization *
Contact Person *
Second Contact Person (optional)
Phone # *
Email address *
Your web site address (URL) for links on AARC web site, in race results, emails, etc.
Please select a sponsorship level *
If we don't already have your logo from a previous sponsorship, please send your logo in vector graphic format and if you wish to include an ad please send in PDF format sized 8.5" x 11" to sponsor@aarclub.com .... Unless other arrangements are made, please send designated contribution* prior to race to:  Ambler Area Running Club;  931 Cross Lane, Blue Bell, PA 19422.      .................   * AARC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  Please consult with your accountant for information about tax-deductible contributions. *
Sie erhalten unter der von Ihnen angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse eine Kopie Ihrer Antworten.
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