Street Carnival sign up Saturday 17th May 2025
If you are a school, college, community or family group, a bunch of friends with a sense of fun or just a funky Individual; Get involved in the street Carnival! 
Fill in this form to register with us & we will keep you informed of what's going on. 
You can dress up, make something to wave, play instruments or just dance like nobody is watching. The theme is Air so think bee's, butterflies, birds or anything that floats or flies. 
Dressing up is not mandatory by strongly encouraged! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name of Contact
Phone number
Name of your Carnival group and approximate number of people
Does anyone in your group have any access needs, and if yes, what are they? If unsure just put don't know. 
Please list online social media presence or website address you have, if any..
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