WAKE 2022 Application Form
Wake 2022 is a 7-day/6-night spiritual journey experience in the context of outdoor adventure in the boundary waters canoe area of Minnesota, specifically designed by Barnabas International staff for men working in cross-cultural contexts.
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이메일 *
Name (First and Last)
Application Details
This is a Barnabas-subsidized trip. While this trip is open to all full-time missions workers including those working in the USA and ALL are encouraged to apply, we will be giving priority to those applicants who:
 * Are currently working or recently (within one year) returned from working in cross-cultural contexts
 * Are working within low resource areas, or with displaced people groups
 * Raise their own support
 * All else being equal, we will honor the order in which applications arrive.
Place/Country of Service (and date of return to the USA if applicable)
What is/was the nature of your work there? What have been your most recent challenges?
Tell us about your team and/or family
What has drawn you to WAKE 2022? What do you hope to experience as a result?
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