Angel Gift Tree 2021 for Bali Permata Children's Home
It's that time again!  Angel Tree for Permata Bali Children's Home! BAIS has a longstanding relationship with this ministry-- for many years Mr. and Mrs. Paese facilitated our gift-giving and even though they've left BAIS, we have continued to share our blessings with the children, youth, and workers at Bali Permata every year at Christmas. This year, our club Build To Give will take care of this event.

There are 30 children/youth and 7 staff/workers for whom we'd like to buy Christmas presents! Can you help?
This is a link to a PDF Document where all the information about the children/youth and staff workers are: 
We also have 12 children (4 girls, 8 boys) in Kindergarten, the TK Pelita Hati, in which we would like to provide goody bags for.

Please check this Google Sheet to see which people are available to be taken :) 

We need monetary donations by November 11th, so we can ship them to Bali in time for Christmas! If you are going to purchase your own gift, we need the gifts to be wrapped and ready to be delivered by November 23rd at the lobby in BAIS. However, we still need you to sign up (fill this form out) by November 11th.
If you are willing to support this endeavor, please fill out this form. Once you have filled out the form, we will contact you with the details. Thank you!

If you have any questions about this year's event or about filling out the form, please email Melissa or Sherin
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Email *
Please look at this mindmap we made for the clear instructions for what you have to do if you pick one of these options to participate in the 2021 Angel Gift Tree!
Name *
Here is how I would like to help: *
If you would like to be contacted by WA instead of email, please provide your WA number here.  If email is best, simply write "email." Thank you!  Scroll down to click SUBMIT :D
Please wait until one of our club members contact you in email or, if you prefer, WA, and do not worry about transferring later until we have contacted you. However, we do have a deadline: any sponsor who would like to contribute to this year's Angel Gift Tree should sign up in this form by November 18th 24:00 PM.
Which child/staff would you like to sponsor? If you don't see this step in the mindmap, just put "-". Thank you!
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