Agriscience Metaverse Academy Application
Thank you for your interest in the Agriscience Metaverse Academy! Please complete this application to the best of you ability so the project team can determine your eligibility for participation. 

To be considered for participation in this research study, you must be an agriculture teacher at a middle or high school in Nebraska or Tennessee with at least one year of full-time teaching experience prior to June 2024. Additionally, your school must have sufficient Wifi (roughly 25 Mbps download speed) in your classroom to support the use of Virtual Reality (VR) headsets.

Completing this application does not guarantee your participation in the professional development or related research study. If you are selected, a member of the project team will contact you via the email address you provide on this form about next steps. 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this application or the Agriscience Metaverse Academy study, please contact Dr. Tyler Granberry by email at or by phone at (865) 974-8256.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Are you currently teaching agriculture in a school in Nebraska or Tennessee? *
What is the name of the school where you are currently teaching? *
In what county is your current school located? *
How many years have you been teaching agriculture in a school? *
Will you be teaching agriculture at a middle school or high school during the 2024-2025 school year? *
Does your school have sufficient Wifi to support the use of Virtual Reality headsets in your classroom?

Please use this link on a Wifi-connected device to test the Wifi speed in your classroom.
I understand that if I am selected to participate in this study, I will be required to submit a support letter from my school that verifies that I meet the qualifications for the study before I am allowed to participate. *
Please provide a few sentences describing why you are interested in the AMA and what you would hope to learn by the end of this professional development program.

(2000 characters max)
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