Good News Webinar
In a time where there is a lot of uncertainty, stress, fear, and challenges, good news has become a life line for many of us.  It helps us engage, lifts our spirits, and gives us the energy to persevere.  
This webinar focuses on tips and best practices to incorporate good news into any online course.  Whatever your subject or discipline, there is space for you and your students to engage in the subject in a positive way.  
At the end of this webinar, you will have research and data to support the inclusion of these practices into your teaching, credible sources for finding good news, and a variety of styles that are usable and customizable to fit your teaching style.  
Join Christina Trunnell, Montana's Statewide OER Coordinator, in this webinar presented by TRAILS.  TRAILS is the academic library consortium of Montana that encompasses public, private, and tribal colleges across the state.
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