Calculator is allowed, but not really needed.
All items are ordered by difficulty and are culture fair.
Expected discriminating ability up to 165 sd 15

Example : 1,2,(?),4,(?),6.
Correct Answer format : 3,5

Creator's website : https://alextoliousa.wixsite.com/puzzles

Time yourself accordingly when doing this test, if you want compared score !
Time limit: 45 minutes

Histogram of scores
Cronbach's a 0.834 (N = 65)
(1). 5, 3, (?), 2, 4
1 point
(2). 4485, +-+-, 5394, -+--, 4483, +-+-, (?)
1 point
(3). 4/9, 0000/000000000, 3/6, 000/000000, 2/5, (?)
1 point
(4). 1000, 0200, 0003, 0040, (?)
1 point
(5). 1924975281, 18, 25, 79, (?), (?)
1 point
(6). 0 ,>, 1, ><, 1, ><>, (?), ><><, 2
1 point
(7). 6-, 4+, 2-, 2+, 0, (?)
1 point
(8). 0, +, 1, ++, 20, +++, 310, ++++, (?)
1 point
(9). 10, 109, 10987, (?), 109876543210
1 point
(10). 123|456|789 : (?), (?), 24
1 point
(11). 0, 8, (?), 9, 1, 0, (?), 1, 1, 2
1 point
(12). 0/1, 5/2, (?), 5/5, (?), 5/8
1 point
(13). 51/6/7/13/8/4/(?)/(?)
1 point
(14). 421759*523939189756 : (?), 981, 939, (?)
1 point
(15). X43XX, XX38X, (?), 9XXX0
1 point
(16). 1234, 0, 5, 0000, (?), 00, 1011, 0, (?)
1 point
(17). 1, 2-1, 3/1-2, 4+2/3-1, (?)
1 point
(18). #, LDUR, 1, DUR, (?), UR, (?), R, 7
1 point
(19). ++++++++-, 27, +++++++--, 11, ++++++---, (?)
1 point
(20). 12193275649358045 : 1/0, 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, (?), (?),1/6, (?),1/8, (?)
1 point
(21). ++3, +56, 7+9, 101112, ++14++, (?), 192021 ,2+2+24, (?)
1 point
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