Intentional Salvific Prayer 為親友得救禱告
1)To identify your non-Christian family members and friends
2)   To pray for them and may our Lord change their heart so we can win them over
3)  To organize suitable activities for respective age group

We hope to do this mapping exercise with our Congregation. No contact information is required for them. Please fill out the following form by answering a few simple questions.

Our church will pray for them and try to organize suitable activities for respective age group.
May God help us to see our own non-Christian family members and friends.


教會希望做一個收集關於未信主家人朋友資料的活動,如果你有未信主的親人/朋友想教會為他們祈禱,或者希望教會往後舉辦合適的活動適合不同年齡段,你可以填好以下資料再交給教會. 教會不需要他們的聯絡資料,我們只想為他們祈禱及更好的舉辦合適活動,讓人接觸教會和認識主耶穌基督!


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Name of non-Christian family member/friend 未信主親人/朋友名字: *
What is their relationship to you? 與你關係: *
What is their age range? 年齡: *
Submitted by (your name) 提交人 (你的名字) *
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