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Cal South In Service Review - Taking of Kicks from the Mark, July 2021
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Tournament Knockout rounds can be decided by the Taking of Kicks from the Penalty Mark. The following questions have to do with LAW 10 - DETERMINING THE OUTCOME OF A MATCH and LAW 14 - THE PENALTY KICK.
1. A player who has been sent off during a tournament final is not permitted to take part in Kicks from the penalty mark.
2. A player who receives a caution during the match and a second caution during kicks from the penalty mark is shown a red card and sent off.
3. The referee tosses a coin to decide which goal the taking of kicks from the penalty mark will be taken.
4. A goalkeeper who is unable to continue, may be substituted during kicks from the penalty mark.
5. Only players who are on the field of play or are temporarily off the field of play (injury, adjusting equipment etc.) at the end of the match are eligible to take kicks from the penalty mark.
6. The goalkeeper of the kicking team must remain on the field of play, outside the penalty area, on the goal line where it meets the penalty area boundary line.
7. Which is correct?
All eligible players must take a kick before any player can take a second kick
After both teams have taken 10 kicks, kicks continue until one team has scored more than the other
Each kick is taken by a different player, except the goalkeeper
The penalty mark is 10 yards from the goal line for U14 and olders
8. When the ball is kicked, the defending goalkeeper must have two feet touching, or in line with, the goal line.
9. If the goalkeeper comes off the goal line before the kick is taken. Which of the following is NOT correct?
the kick is retaken, even if the shot is wide
the goalkeeper is warned for the first offence
the goalkeeper is cautioned for any subsequent offence(s)
if the ball enters the goal, a goal is awarded
10. If the kicker is penalized for an offence committed after the referee has signaled for the kick to be taken, that kick is recorded as missed and the kicker is cautioned.
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