Training on youth work

The training is a series of three two-hour workshops. They will take place on the 6th, 13th and 20th of December 2023 in ULCA, between 16.30 and 18.30, where the participants will strengthen the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitude necessary for quality implementation of youth work, i.e. planning, implementing and evaluating activities and involving young people in all phases of the process, establishing and maintaining collaborative and confidential relationships with young people, working in youth groups.

The training will be held in English.

The training will cover the following topics:

  • Basics of youth work (definition and knowledge of theoretical foundations, organizations in the youth sector, basic formal foundations of the youth sector in Slovenia),

  • Fields of youth work with examples of activities

  • Roles in youth work, team work, self-care

  • Planning youth work

  • Reflection and evaluation of the learning process

Active participation in the process is expected from the participants, as the training will be designed as a "training within a training". They will be able to learn some useful methods for working with a group and connect with each other.

Training for youth work is free of charge for all participants and unlimitedly available to all partner organizations until vacancies are filled.

For more information write to 

Email *
Name and last name *
Phone number *
Organisation (where are you active at the moment?) *
How would you describe your motivation for applying? Which topics are of particular interest to you? *
Is there anything else you would like to inform us about?
By submitting the form, you agree that the Youth Center ULCA will store your data for the purpose of preparing and promoting the thraining in accordance with the GDPR directive. We will not share the data with third parties. At any time, you have the right to change or delete your information.
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