Exposing Excellence: Exploring the Possibilities for Graduates of Westside High School
Hi! My name is Kathy Berry-Burns, and I am the Graduation Coach at Westside High School. My job is to assist in helping all students of Westside High School graduate with the tools they need to succeed and to make positive contributions to their communities. In order to do this, I and Westside's team need your help. When is the last time you visited your old alma mater? When is the last time you walked the halls of Westside, talked to students, shared fond memories with teachers? Well, we are extending the invitation for you to do just that during the 2022-2023 school year. We know that the possibilities are limitless for Westside's graduates, and we want our students and our community to know it, too! Therefore, we are starting a monthly guest speaker series in which former Westside graduates who exemplify excellence, come and share their stories with our current student body. We would love for you to be one of them! If you are willing to come and spend time with us, please fill out this form in its entirety.
Adresse e-mail *
Title *
Last Name, First Name *
Preferred Name *
Graduating Class *
Take a walk down memory lane and tell us your story. What were you like as a Westside student? What activities/sports/clubs were you a part of? What are your fondest high school memories? Who were the most influential adults (teachers, coaches, etc.) in your life? What was your biggest concern as a high school student? What is something you now know that you wish you'd known when you were in high school? *
Briefly describe what led you to where you are now. *
If applicable, please provide the link to your bio, website, or LinkedIn. *
Please provide the link to a photograph. This can be professional or personal, and it can be a personal photograph or one that includes family and friends. You can also email a photo to kathyberryburns@anderson5.net. *
Pictured below is the 2022-2023 school calendar.  Please check your schedule and select the date and time that would work best for you. *
Image sans légende
Please select another date that would work for you. *
Our school day is organized into four approximately 1.5 hour blocks. Choose the time of day that works best for you. If you would be willing to spend more than one block of time with us, please select all that apply. *
What is your preferred method of contact? *
Please provide the personal information that corresponds to your preferred method of contact. *
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this form and your willingess to pay it forward! I will follow up with you soon. GO RAMS!
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
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