SF Pride - Volunteering Sign Up

  • SF Pride Exiles Booth* - Saturday 6/29 and Sunday 6/30
  • SF Pride - Leather Alliance - 30 Minute Play Demo / Burlesque Performer Volunteers - Sunday 6/30 Noon to 5pm - more information below
  • *Please note these events are for Exiles volunteers only 

Email *
Name, Pronouns, Email, and Phone Number - *
SF Pride - Exiles Booth
Saturday 6/29 - 9am to 6pm
in Leather Alley (on Hyde Street between Turk and Golden Gate), San Francisco, CA
Please feel free to sign up for multiple shifts   
SF Pride - Exiles Booth
Sunday 6/30 - 11am to 6pm 
in Leather Alley (on Hyde Street between Turk and Golden Gate), San Francisco, CA
Please feel free to sign up for multiple shifts 
SF Pride - 30 Minute Play Demo / Burlesque Performer Volunteers
Put on by Leather Alliance - contact person is Rio
Sunday 6/30 - Noon to 5pm 
Leather Alley (on Hyde Street between Turk and Golden Gate), San Francisco, CA

*Play area is open to everyone 18+
*No blood, scat, or fire play allowed
*Nudity is allowed
*PA system available for music or talking during demo
*Canopy, snacks and water provided
Please feel free to sign up for multiple shifts 
Please describe what play or performance you will be demonstrating and if there will be anyone else with you:

A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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