Ivors Academy - Music for Media Songwriting Camp: Application Form
If you are interested in attending the songwriting camp, please fill in the form below. For music submissions, you may include a link to one of one of the following:

A) A piece of music you have composed for a short film (please only submit a 3 minute example, maximum)
B) A song you have co-written that has been been synced with/used in any form of visual media (e.g. Film, Game, TV production, Advert or Animation)

*Please submit your song via streaming link on Vimeo or YouTube (unlisted) in either of the following file formats: mp4 or .mov

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Full Name *
First and last name
Phone number (incl. area code) *
To ensure we can reach you if you are successful.
Home Address *
Please show that you have an N.I. home address.
Personal Profile: Please provide short personal profile of you as a musician/songwriter, including a list of instruments that you use to compose music with.

Word limit: 100 words

Personal Statement: Please state why you feel participating in the Ivors Academy mentorship programme would benefit your career.

Word limit: 100 words

Software Preference: Please provide a list of the software you know how to use; such as Logic, Pro Tools, Ableton, Cubase or others. *
Links: Please provide a streaming link to a piece of music you have composed to picture/a song you have co-written that has been synced with visual media (provide link to YouTube unlisted or Vimeo, as an mp4 or .mov). *
Sie erhalten unter der von Ihnen angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse eine Kopie Ihrer Antworten.
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