RHE Parents Feedback 2023-24
St. Edmunds Catholic Primary School 
ඔබේ ප්‍රගතිය සුරැකීමට Google වෙත පුරන්න. තව දැන ගන්න
Dear parents and carers,
As a school we are consulting you about how we teach certain aspects of the RHE (Relationship Health Education)  curriculum.
We have used the statutory guidance from the DfE alongside expectations from the Diocese of Westminster.
These areas are called ‘Key Decisions’ and in age-appropriate ways, cover: the subject of genitalia (Yr 2)
puberty (Yr 4)
sexual intimacy (Yr 6)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) (KS1 and KS2) 
Protected Characteristics concerning sex (Yr 6).

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL TOPICS ARE TAUGHT IN AN AGE APPROPRIATE WAY.  Full information about exactly how lessons are taught can be found through this link:


 You will need the following login credentials for our school:

            Username: st-edmund-n9   Password: edmonton-956

The following questions below add some detail and your feedback will be responded to in the Parents Workshop planned for the Spring term.
Many thanks in advance for your honest and open feedback.
I am comfortable with the Catholic ethos of the programme.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I trust my school’s judgement in delivering this programme.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I feel that my child will need additional support in understanding some of this content.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I understand and accept that my role is as the ‘first educator’ of my child on matters related to teaching human sexuality.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I would value further support from school about how to talk to my child about sensitive issues.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I approve of my child learning the names of external genitalia in KS1-Year 2.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I think Year 4 is a good time to start learning about physical changes during puberty.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I am happy for my child to be taught about sexual intimacy in Year 6, in a way that is respectful of Catholic beliefs.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I think it is important that pornography is covered from an internet safety perspective.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I think it is important that pornography is discussed as a way in which people are ‘used’.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I think it’s appropriate that in KS1 FGM is not named explicitly, but that children are reminded that private body parts are private and they should stay the same as when a girl was born and are given the additional information that in some cultures people want to harm girls’ private parts, and that is not OK.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I think that in Yr 4, when children are learning about  different kinds of abuse, including sexual abuse (referred to as ‘abuse of private parts’) it’s a good time for children to learn some basic facts about FGM. 
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I think that Year 2 is the best time for children watch a film which answers the following questions: ● What is FGM? ● How does FGM affect health? ● Who is at risk? ● Why does it happen? ● How are people trying to stop it? ● Who can I tell?
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I would be happy for my child in Year 6 to discuss scenarios of people who are being discriminated against or bullied because of the protected characteristics of sex and/or sexual orientation
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
I would like further details regarding the optional content around these ‘Key Decisions’.
තේරීම ඉවත් කරන්න
In the box below, write any further comments or questions that you have. Thank you for your time in completing this survey!
සබිමිටි කරන්න
පෝරමය හිස් කරන්න
Google පෝරම හරහා කිසිදා මුරපද යොමු නොකරන්න.
මෙම පෝරමය St Edmunds Catholic Primary School හි ඇතුළත සාදන ලදී. අනිසි භාවිතය වාර්තා කිරීම