March 20, 2024 form 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Live, Virtual, Interactive Adult Mental Health First Aid certification course. We are grateful you have chosen to dedicate this time to become certified. Please complete. Thank you! 

You will be sent a confirmation email with the Zoom Link and a Calendar Invite. These are sent out in groups twice per week. This course is free for those in the Upstate and Midlands of South Carolina thanks to Robyn Ellison, her SAMHSA Grant, and Prisma Health. 

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Mental Health First Aid Manual will be sent to you. Please add your First and Last Name and Complete Address including Zip Code *
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How did you find out about our MHFA course? Check more than one if it applies. *
Would you be interested in finding about how your organization can become a Walt's Waltz Stigma-Free Environment? *
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