【樸谷工坊】樸門師資培訓__台東鹿野 【PuguTaiwan】Permaculture Teacher Training in Luye, Taitung of Taiwan.

(English below)


✦ ✦ --  此訓練的內容,涵蓋以下項目:

🌱 透過使用各種能力、技能和工具,來建立教學的信心

🌱 重新練習樸門中不同主題所用的策略與方法(Strategies and methods)

🌱 練習和檢視目前自己所正在學習的部分

🌱 現今最廣為人知的最佳教學方式

🌱 了解老師的行為和語言是如何影響學生的學習

🌱 對於學習者的認識、如何有效地啟發、激勵學生 

🌱 國際樸門課程的課綱與知識,以及實際運用的案例經驗

🌱 與團隊夥伴/ 學習者一起建構 PDC的教學大綱

🌱 樸門新知與技術

✦ ✦ -- 參與者的必備條件: 

  • 已完成 72小時的 PDC 的認證 (Permaculture Design Certificate) 
  • 100 % 師訓全程的參與度
  • 熱衷於成為一位高效能的教師

此課程是根據 Rosemary Morrow 的課綱,受到國際認可的樸門教師培訓課程。 

✦ ✦ -- 課程其他相關內容: 

 ☺ 關懷人類/ 共同工作  ☺ 建立一種學習的文化  ☺ 引導的技能  ☺ 教學的方法  ☺ 學習的方式和風格類型  ☺ 教學的工具和協助方式  ☺ 需求評估  ☺ 遊戲/ 歌曲/ 開心果 ☺ 每日的小型教學練習 ☺ 發表的技巧 ☺ 召集課程相關 ☺ PDC 的結構與其流動 ☺ 檢視和鼓勵相關 ☺ 聽取匯報  ☺ 觀察、感受、需求、提問 (NVC process: Observation, Feeling Need Request ) ☺ 挑戰的教學情況  ☺ 樸門新知與技術

...................以下為英文介紹|English Below .......................

This course aims to empower you to realise your skills as permaculture facilitators. The course is suitable for people of all abilities and skills. This course is the internationally accepted training course for permaculture teachers following the curriculum of Rosemary Morrow in the system of Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute.

It covers: 

  • Develop confidence in teaching using a range of skills, techniques and tools. 
  • Strategies and methods for the different topics in permaculture
  • Opportunities to practice and monitor what you are learning
  • What is presently known about best teaching practices
  • How teacher behavior and language affect learning 
  • What is known about learners and how reach/motivate them effectively
  • Practical experience and knowledge of international permaculture curricula
  • Developing a PDC curriculum with a group of learners
  • New and emerging Permaculture content  

Criteria for attendance:

  • Recognized 72 hours PDC
  • 100% attendance
  • Desire to be an effective teacher 

This course is the internationally accepted training course for permaculture teachers following the curriculum of Rosemary Morrow. 

Extra Course information

Sessions coveredCare of people/working together ~ Building a learning culture ~ Facilitation skills ~ Teaching methods ~ Learning methods and styles ~ Teaching tools/aids ~ Needs assessment ~ Games/songs/energisers ~ Daily micro teaching practice ~ Presentation skills ~ Convening courses ~ PDC structure and flow ~ monitoring and appraising  ~ Debriefing ~ Nonviolent Communication (NVC process: Observation, Feeling Need Request ) Challenging teaching situations ~ New and emerging Permaculture content. 

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 ▎2023 樸門師資培訓   ▎  Permaculture Teacher Training 2023

🔹 主辦單位 |Host:樸谷工坊 PuguTaiwan

🔹 地點 |Venue:樸谷工坊 | 瑞源基地 ( 距台東 瑞源火車站約2.5公里)。Permaculture Basesite of PuguTaiwan.

🔹 日期 |Dates:2023年4月 10 ~ 17 日,八天七夜。April 10-17, 2023. 8 days 7 nights.

🔹 時間 |Time:8am ~ 5pm,依課程進度與教師安排,會有夜間加課與討論至晚上9點。 Some night sessions till 9pm might be added by the progress of the course with teachers. 

🔸 語言 |Languages:澳籍教師以英文授課,將有中文口譯。Teach in English with Mandarin interpretation.

🔹 費用 |Course fee

      ✦ ✦ 原價  Original | TWD. 42,000元 / per person。
      ✦ ✦ 早鳥價 Early Birds| TWD. 40,000元 /  per person。 
      (限 2023/01/27 23:59 前報名及繳費完成。 Complete registration and payment before 28 Jan 2023. )
費用包含課程講師費,中英文口譯費,課程期間的住宿與餐費、場地及材料費、保險費、行政費等。Including course fee, the fee of interpretations, accommodations and simple 3 meals for everyday. The fee of venue use, insurance and admins. 

🔹  餐點 |Food:住宿地點提供葷/素食早餐,請與民宿確認早餐的餐點內容。課程將提供三餐,特殊需求者請在報名欄位註記。Breakfasts are included in accommodations, vegetarian choices are possible to order in advance. Three meals are included in the fee, please write your special preference in registration.
🔹 人數 |limits of people number: 18~27 人 / people.
*當報名人數踴躍,主辦單位保有報名審核之權力。將會依照完成報名及繳費的順序錄取名額When the enrolment is more than 25 people, PuguTaiwan has the right to select the participates from the waiting list. Admission will be done in the order of completion of registration and money transaction.

🔹報名前請注意:退費相關】To read before your registration : Refund Policy

1. 本課程名額可轉讓給親友,請來訊討論轉讓的相關資訊。

2. 若因個人因素取消課程,在課程開始的30天前 (3月11日以前) 申請退費者,將退回50%的費用。在課程開始的7天前 (4月2日以前) 申請退費者,將退回20%的費用。

3. 課程開始的一周內 (4月3日之後) 取消課程者,恕不退費。

4. 若因天災或教師端的不可抗力因素,本課程將會延期舉辦。

As the amounts and efforts of preparation, if you are absent in the course, please read our refund policy carefully before your registration: 

1. You can give your place in this course to your friend or family, please send us a message to discuss the regarding details. 

2. If you have personal unresistant reason to cancel your position, you may get 50% of the whole course fee / refund before March 11 2023, you may get 20% before April 2 2023.

3. We can't offer refund for any cancelation after April 3 2023.

4. If any natural disasters or unresistant circumstance happen, this training will be postponed to a later time. 


✦ ✦ 獎助學金 Scholarships |TWD. 20,000 / per person (限額2名,提供樸門實踐者以教學為學習前提來申請,請將您的履歷及課程相關資料,來信至樸谷電子信箱提出申請。填完表單之後請先匯全額款項,待審核評比完成後,會在開課前通知錄取結果。並於師資培訓完課之後,以匯款方式,將獎學金20,000台幣匯入指定帳號

Two positions for the people aim to teach permaculture and practice in life already. Please send your CV and teaching-related information to pugutaiwan@gmail.com to apply. After filling out the form, please pay the full amount first, and after the review and evaluation is completed, you will be notified of the result before the the course. After you complete the teacher training course, the scholarship of NT$ 20,000  will be transferred to your bank account.


🔹 聯繫方式請透過樸谷信箱 |Contact via email : pugutaiwan@gmail.com

🔹 樸谷工坊網站|Website of PuguTaiwan  :  http://pugutaiwan.org

▎樸門師資訓練帶領者   ▎  

Greta Carroll 是一位澳籍的樸門教育者,也是澳洲西南岸一個小型有機農場的農夫。她已開始和 Robyn Francis 在樸門教育學院教授樸門,曾設計執行教育案「覺知的土地/ Consicious Ground」。

她目前是一位給出PDC和師資訓練的引導師,替難民以及樸門教育機構和藍山樸門機構開班授課。 Greta 熱衷於各種容易傳達的、涵蓋層面廣的教育,她已建立了不同的課綱給各種不同的團體來學習。

十多年來,她在澳洲和國際間和流離失所的人一起工作。 她目前在澳洲西南部和 Wadandi Noongar 的原住民在土地和水域中,一同生活與工作。

Greta Carroll is a permaculture educator and small-scale organic farmer from the south-west coast of Australia. She has taught with Robyn Francis at Permaculture College Australia, designed and run the education program and Conscious Ground, and is currently a PDC and Teacher Training course facilitator for Permaculture for Refugees, Permaculture Education Institute and Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute. Passionate about accessible, inclusive education, Greta has built curricula and learning experiences for diverse groups. She has worked with people in displacement settings for over a decade, in Australia and internationally. She currently lives and works from the lands and waters of the Wadandi Noongar people. 

▎樸門師資訓練帶領者   ▎  

Sarah Boulle 是一個多元的澳籍引導師,她主要的基地是在澳洲北部的 Bunjalung 原住民區域。

她已和各種不同文化背景和年紀的人/ 團體工作超過了20年,Sarah 協調籌辦 2017 年在印度的國際樸門大會(IPC),以及 2016 年在泰國的樸門大會(TPC),Sarah 已獲得樸門永續生活的第四級認證 (Certificate IV ) ,她同時是一位以樸門協助難民的引導師。

Sarah Boulle is a dynamic facilitator based on Bunjalung country. She has worked as a group facilitator for over 20 years with people of different cultures, and ages. Sarah coordinated the children’s program for the International Permaculture Convergence in India in 2017, and for the Thailand Permaculture Convergence in 2016. Sarah has a Certificate IV in Permaculture, and is a facilitator for Permaculture for Refugees. 

The atmosphere of Permaculture Teacher Training. 
🌿 與自然融合的學習氛圍|Atmosphere to learn in Nature.
🌿 敞開和愉快的學習|Open and joyful learning
🌿 深入的思辨與討論|Deep deliberation and discussion
🌿 在學習中遊戲|Play in learning 
🌿 討論樸門相關主題|Discuss with the topics of Permaculture
The surroundings of the base site of PuguTaiwan.
✨ 樸谷基地|堆肥廁所(左)&戶外教室(右)  Compost toilet (left) and outdoor classroom (right).
✨ 樸谷基地|綠色隧道  Green Tunnel of PuguTaiwan.
✨ 樸谷基地|土袋廣場| Earthbag site of PuguTaiwan
✨ 樸谷基地|戶外教室  Outdoor classroom of PuguTaiwan
✨ 樸谷基地|後方菜園  Back garden of PuguTaiwan
🔸 推薦的課程書籍,可先自行上網下載 🔸 recommended book for this training : 

Permaculture Teaching Matters 
by Rosemary Morrow  
If you would like to download the digital book please click this link ⬇️
🔸 住宿 🔸 Accommodation 
學員將會住在小葉園民宿:週邊環境良好並且附帶早餐的住宿,走路10分鐘可抵達樸谷基地。|Participates will stay at Little Ya B&B : Wonderful accommodation with breakfasts, walk in 10 mins to arrive PuguTaiwan https://littleya2022.mydirectstay.com/tw/index.html
🔸 交通 🔸 Transportation 

PuguTaiwan is located in Luye county of Taitung, which is at the south part of the East Rift Valley in Taiwan. Participates can take train from Taipei or Kaohsiung to Luye train station, the transfer your train to Ruiyuan Station, then you can walk from Ruiyuan station to the accommodation/ Little Ya B&B in 10 minutes. 

Also you can choose to take airplane from Taipei to Taitung, then take the train to Ruiyuan Station. 
🔸 需要自備的物品 🔸 must bring things
🔹我們會準備自助式的午餐及飲水,請準備個人的便當盒 / 碗、餐具及水壺,並請勿使用一次性的餐具或是杯子。 Please bring your own eating container and eating utensils, water bottle and cup. Disposable utensils or food containers are not welcome in this training. Lunch buffet and water will be provided in this training.

🔹請準備能協助你在菜園工作的衣服、鞋子、帽子、雨具、草藥膏、防蚊液。Please prepare the clothes, hat, rain gear, herbal medicines and mosquito repellent which can help you to work in the garden. 

🔸 報名步驟 🔸 有四個步驟  Four steps to complete your registration
❶ 仔細閱讀活動簡介  Read this form carefully 
❷ 匯款並填寫此表單  Transit your money and complete filling this form
❸ 我們會核對繳費,並在5個工作天內寄給您報名確認信  You will receive confirmation email in 5 days after submitting your registration form. 
❹ 報名成功  Registration successfully.

【新台幣匯款帳號】 Transit account for New Taiwan Dollars. 

玉山銀行 (代碼 808 台東分行)

【美金/澳幣匯款資訊】 International Transfer for US Dollars & Australian Dollars

Please complete filling this form, and you will receive a Remittance Instruction email which includes all information to do your money transaction. Please make sure your transaction type is “beneficiary can receive full amount” to our bank account, and the service and swift fees shall be paid by you/ remitter.

🔹報名前請注意:退費相關】To read before your registration : Refund Policy


1. 本課程名額可轉讓給親友,請來訊討論轉讓的相關資訊。

2. 若因個人因素取消課程,在課程開始的30天前 (3月11日以前) 申請退費者,將退回50%的費用。在課程開始的7天前 (4月2日以前) 申請退費者,將退回20%的費用。

3. 課程開始的一周內 (4月3日之後) 取消課程者,恕不退費。

4. 若因天災或教師端的不可抗力因素,本課程將會延期舉辦。

As the amounts and efforts of preparation, if you are absent in the course, please read our refund policy carefully before your registration: 

1. You can give your place in this course to your friend or family, please send us a message to discuss the regarding details. 

2. If you have personal unresistant reason to cancel your position, you may get 50% of the whole course fee / refund before March 11 2023, you may get 20% before April 2 2023.

3. We can't offer refund for any cancelation after April 3 2023.

4. If any natural disasters or unresistant circumstance happen, this training will be postponed to a later time. 

 ❤️💛💚💙💜  以上若有任何問題,歡迎與我們聯繫,將盡力協助  ❤️💛💚💙💜

【 聯絡方式】Contacts : 

🍀 私訊 Facebook messenger  : https://www.facebook.com/pugutaiwan
✉️ Email: pugutaiwan@gmail.com
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