2021 Virtual NOSB Shore Bowl Volunteer Sign Up!! March 6th and 7th
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Shore Bowl this year!

The Shore Bowl at Rutgers University is one of the 25 regional competitions of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB). The NOSB aims to encourage the next generation of ocean scientists, educators, policy-makers and stewards.  High school teams from NJ and PA will battle it out in a fun quiz-style competition focused on ocean science and other ocean-related topics.  The winning team will represent our region at the NOSB finals.

The Shore Bowl will be held VIRTUALLY this year via Google Meets over 2 days: Saturday, March 6th and Sunday, March 7th. There will be anywhere between 7 and 9 rooms running concurrently in 2 hr time blocks. You may choose to volunteer all day, or just for some time slots but YOU MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR THE ENTIRE 2 HRS of your selected time slots.

THERE IS A MANDATORY TRAINING SESSION FOR ALL VOLUNTEERS. Due to the change to a virtual competition,  everyone must attend a training zoom meeting even if you have volunteered in the past.  
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Name *
Email *
Tell me about yourself *
Have you volunteered for the shore bowl before? If yes, please tell me your past positions
Because some of the positions require the volunteer to be able to determine the accuracy of the contestant answers, please indicate which  of the following most closely resembles your knowledge of Oceanography or Marine Science *
Below are the duties of the volunteer positions available. NOTE: the Rules Judge has gained some new responsibilities. Please indicate which of the positions you would be comfortable filling. *
Do you have a preference in the position you are assigned? *
Shirt Size (for thank you gift!) *
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