Braw Wee Workshop Booking Form
To help us manage the admin of the rescheduling and booking of workshop bookings or vouchers, we have created this short form to collate the information.

At this time, we can only run our workshops with a maximum of 6 people from two households. So if you hold a booking with more households or people then we will have to wait until restrictions lift to book in a slot, or we can move your booking to an online Zoom lesson.

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Email *
Booking Reference or Name of Person who booked the workshop/ voucher?
Which workshop were you booked onto or if you have a voucher which workshop is it for?
Batalkan pilihan
Would you like to move your booking to an online workshop?
Batalkan pilihan
Please provide us with the dates that you are interested in rebooking/ booking your workshop for. These don't need to be dates that we have already announced, if you can provide your preferred dates and we can check tutor/ studio availability.
How many people is the booking for?
Would you like to book more people in?
Batalkan pilihan
Any other comments or questions.
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam The Braw Wee Emporium. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan