Kansas Communities That Care Permission Form
Our school will soon be administering the Kansas Communities That Care Student Survey. This survey is taken by 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th grade students statewide. This survey is a valuable tool to help us understand our students behavior, how they think and feel about alcohol, marijuana and other drug use, bullying and school safety. The information is important for planning effective prevention programs in our school and community.
You may also be interested to know the following:
1. It is completely anonymous. Students will not be asked for their names on the survey, nor will anyone be able to connect any individual student with his/her responses. School staff will see summaries of results.

2. Participation is entirely voluntary. Your child may decline to participate in the survey, or may simply skip any question they do not wish to answer.

3. Annual participation is important. Even if your child has participated in previous surveys, annual data is extremely helpful in determining the effectiveness of previous efforts and changes in programs. With this data, we are able to continue applying for grants for our programs such as KidZone and are able to partner with programs such as ThrYve.

4. The survey will be done remotely. If you choose for your child to participate, the survey will be done remotely during the school day.
I hope you will allow your child to participate. Please check the appropriate box below. All parents must sign and return this form to school by Friday, December 22nd. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.

Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
Parent/Guardian Name
Student Name: *
Please check one *
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Tento formulář byl vytvořen v doméně Kansas City Kansas Public Schools. Nahlásit zneužití