Students' Feedback on Syllabus and Its Transaction [YEAR-2021-22]
Your opinion on the following points:
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(1). Relevance of the course *
(2). Developing Analytical Skill *
3). Availability of optional subject within the source *
4). Efficiency of the teachers
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5).Teachers' Communication Skill *
6). Accessibility of Teachers *
7). Ability of the teachers to design & evaluate assignments. *
8) Coverage of syllabus *
9). Accessibility of books & Journals *
10). Availability of Reference books in Library  *
11). Fair internal assessment  *
12). Grievance Redressal Mechanism  *
13). Accessibility of Computers in College  *
14). Internet Facility *
15). Student-Teacher relationship  *
16). Overall Rating  *
Class *
Semester *
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