Emergency and First Responder Survey
TCGIS will continue to provide care to our elementary school students (K-6th Grades) of First Responders and Emergency workers including providers of healthcare, emergency medical services, long-term and post-acute care; law enforcement personnel; personnel providing correctional services; public health employees; firefighters and other first responders; and court personnel.

Kinderclub will be provided free of charge for these students.  However, parents or supporters who would like to provide a donation are welcome to do so.

If you fall into one of the above categories and will need child care, please complete the survey.
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Are you an Emergency or First Responder?
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How many children do you have who require child care at TCGIS starting April 6th, 2020?
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What are the Names and Grades of your students who will require care?
What days of the week will you require care?
What times would you require care?
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