Blueprint 2025
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Why do you read the Blueprint?
What are your favorite parts of the Blueprints?
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What do you do with the ideas in the Blueprint?
Have you ever: (Check all that apply)
If you marked yes to attending a conference or workshop, do you remember which one (or where and when)? Tell us below
With whom would you like to discuss the Blueprint's ideas?
What other formats would you make use of, if they served a “blueprint-like” need? For example, a series of pop-up conversations, summer school, a book club, matched learning pairs, an audio download, or a quarterly comic strip? Share any other ideas you have that would engage you as the Blueprint has, or that you think would help bring scholarship to practical use
Approximately how many Blueprints have you read?
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What are your favorite songs, videos, plays, books or other media that discuss giving or community? Please include links where possible so others can check them out.
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