MEPTO Volunteer Opportunities 2021-2022
MEPTO coordinates several fundraisers throughout the year to support school safety efforts, enrichment programs, new technology, teacher appreciation events and other materials and activities that benefit our schools and enhance our children's education.

We don't expect a huge time commitment from volunteers. An hour can make a big difference, and we have tasks that can be performed in the evenings, during the day, or that don't even involve coming to the school at all. Just let us know which programs, activities, or events interest you and when you might be free to help. Check off as many as you'd like!

Questions? Contact us at or check out our facebook page!
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What is your child/children's name, grade and teacher? *
ex: John Smith/3rd/Cassinelli
First Grade Playground Night:
Assist in the planning and evening of event for First Grade families that did not get to have a playground night last year due to Covid.
Yard Sale:
This year MEPTO will be participating in the Town Wide Yard Sale on September 25th. We will need volunteers to help in the days leading up to it and then on the day of the Yard Sale.
Volunteers are needed to move the MEPTO Mustang "herd" from house to house around town collecting donations from those that are "herded".
Pumpkin Fair:
The Pumpkin Fair held at the Middle School concurrent with town Soccer Day on October 24th! This is a fun fall event with bouncy houses, face and pumpkin painting, and tons of games! Volunteers are needed to help on the day of the event.
School Grounds Committee:
Assist with special projects on the grounds of the two schools such as painting stencils and refreshing outdoor spaces.
Book Distribution
Assist with the distribution of books for the Reading Is Fundamental Program during school hours. One time/year at Memorial School.
Family Events
Run events such as Bingo Night, Movie Night or Family Picnics. Not for fundraising, just for community spirit!
McGovern Birthday Book Committee
Oversee the program where MEPTO provides a free book to every McGovern child on their Birthday!
Square 1 Art:
Compile orders, distribute artwork, and provide other assistance to classrooms for various art fundraisers (including the ceramic tiles in the Memorial School hallways.) Involves McGovern students in PreK-1) and 4th graders at Memorial.
Teacher Appreciation:
Assist in day of activities such as set-up, clean-up, serving the teachers, customarily a fall and spring event.
Volunteers are needed for each classroom to count labels/boxtops. Work may be done from home.
Assist with various MEPTO fundraisers. Put your thinking caps on because we need creative thinkers to come up with and organize new fundraising initiatives.  During and after school hours.
Shamrock Shuffle Family 5K:
A fun family fundraiser event typically held the 2nd weekend of March. Please check all that interest you:
Basket Raffle/Ice cream social
One of the most fun MEPTO events of the year. Families purchase raffle tickets in the hope of winning awesome prize baskets. Teacher and Principals serve up ice cream to the kids at the evening event (typically April). Please check all that interest you:
Photographers of all levels welcome! Assist with the creation of the annual yearbook. During and after school hours.
4th Grade Send-off
Assist with the send-off for the 4th grade students who are moving on to the Middle School. June event during school hours. Please check all that interest you:
Field Day:
One of the best days of the year!  Fun outdoor event when classes participate in a number of fun games/activities. During school hours in June. Please check all that interest you:
Misc. Help:
Want to volunteer but aren’t sure where, when, and how much time you’ll have? Could you make copies at the school, stuff teacher mailboxes? Do a quick pick up or drop off of materials for MEPTO? Every little bit helps, we will reach out when we need assistance. Let us know you want to help!
Additional Information about your volunteer interest:
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