Bucknell Data Challenge (Spring 2025)
Use this form to sign up for the Spring 2025 Bucknell Data Challenge by noon on February 7th.

Challenge Events and Help Sessions:
  • The kick-off event will take place from noon - 12:50pm on Friday, February 7th in Taylor 210.  At the kick-off, you will be introduced to the data and given the instructions for the challenge.  Pizza will be provided.
  • We will hold drop-in help sessions in Taylor 212 at the following times: Sun, Feb 9th 1-3pm, Mon, Feb 10th 7-9pm, Wed, Feb 12th 12-1pm & 4-6pm, and Thur, Feb 13th noon - 1pm.  This is a friendly competition so feel free to use these optional sessions to ask questions and brainstorm ideas.  We'll have some goodies at these sessions.
  • The closing session will take place from 4:30 - 6pm on Thursday, February 13th in Taylor 210.  Each group will give a three minute presentation.  You must have 1 title slide which includes the names of all group members and 1 content slide (or slide-like deliverable).  Prizes will be given for Best Insight, Best Visualization, and Best-in-Show.  You do not need to have all team members participate in the presentation.

Challenge Details
  • If no one from your team is able to attend the kick-off event, you can still participate as all challenge materials will be posted here starting at noon on Feb 7th: https://github.com/Bucknell-Data-Science/data_challenge_s25.
  • You are allowed to compete solo or in teams of up to 4 people.  All competitors must be Bucknell undergraduates.
  • Collaboration between teams is not only allowed but highly encouraged.
  • During the challenge, you are welcome to use Taylor 212 as a space to work whenever it isn't reserved for other events.
  • You can use whatever data science software (e.g., R, Python, Excel, Googlesheets, Matlab, Stata, Voyant, Tableau, Highcharts...) you want.
  • While you are allowed (but not required!) to use generative AI tools to support your work, the core problem-solving and final deliverable must be human-driven.   
  • Any updates or announcements will be posted to the #challenge-s25 channel of the DCDS Slack workspace.  Please sign up for the DCDS Slack workspace if you haven't already and join this public channel.

All students are welcome to participate, regardless of your data science background.  This challenge is a great way to develop your data science skills as there will be lots of opportunities for guidance and support from data science faculty, staff, and students.  We also hope you will have fun and will meet some new people.

This data challenge is taking place during International Love Data Week and so will feature lots of chocolate.  It is co-sponsored by the Dominguez Center for Data Science and the Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship Department of Library & Information Technology.  Questions about the challenge should be sent to k.mcconville@bucknell.edu.
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Last Name
Bucknell Email Address
Class Year
Would you like to compete on a team or solo?
If you have already formed a team, please add the names of your team members here and ask them to also fill out the form.
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