Submit your best b2b lists and receive top b2b lists in exchange. 
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Email *
You grant the full rights of usage to to use, sell or trade these lists. 

We will ask for your approval via email before trading a list of yours. For now the trading service is totally free. We might start a 30$/month community. It will be free forever for you if you submit your first list < in less than a month from now.

We will ask for your price approval if we decide to sell your list. We take 20% of the list's price as a referral fee. This is a beta fee that you might freeze forever if you submit your list today. We plan taking up to 50% in a near future.  

Your name shall remain anonymous during the transaction. 

You can reach us at all times at

Connect with Charles on linkedin here: 
What's your name, company, and linkedin? you may stay anonymous. *
What's an email you can be reached at? We need this for communications, can't stay empty. *
What's your list name? *
What's the list size?  *
With how many folks have you shared this list?  *
What data's on the list? We need at least: name, email, website. linkedin URL is a plus :)  *
Share the GOOGLE SHEET link of the FULL list here. We will not sell or trade the list without your approval. We will also never mention your name in the transaction. Full anonymity.  *
When was the list first fetched?  *
Are all email's updated / cleaned / active?  *
When's the last time you cleaned the list?  *
Where did you get / scrapped the list?  *
Did the folks give you permission or not to send them emails?  *
How much are you looking to get paid per list or per contact?  *
For what types of lists are you looking for? What details? How much contacts? For what list? Are you potentially looking for lists to PAY for?  *
If anything's missing, mention here. Else, thank you for submitting :)  *
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