Hey Everyone!

Alyssa here from My Life's a Travel Movie, where you may only know me as a wanderlust Instagrammer who somehow gets paid big bucks to travel the world, but in reality, I'm also a 6-year established and award-winning travel blogger, writer, public speaker, group trip host, and entrepreneur who started and runs a full time career with just my website and social media channels!

That being said, there is A LOT of work that goes into doing what I do (which essentially yes, is getting paid to travel the World plus live in a posh apartment in Los Angeles while making $100k a year), and I do have a paid assistant and paid staff writer, BUT with the summer providing so many new content ideas, opportunities, and work, I've decided to take on two interns with the possibility of moving into a paid position at the end of summer!

To clarify, this is an UNPAID position to start, but you'll learn everything it takes to be a full time travel blogger/influencer/virtual assistant/badass entrepreneur, which is how I learned how to do everything myself when I first started! (No joke, my last job I had with a boss was as a Virtual Assistant to a publicist in Hollywood and that's where I learned a lot of things I currently use for myself!)  

Also no joke: If you turn out to be awesome, I'll 100% offer a paid position at the end of summer!


What I'm looking for is someone who is:
- Extremely dedicated to working hard and learning
- Not just looking for free teaching or free publicity
- May need an internship for college credit (because that would mean you for real have to work hard to get the credit ;) )
- Dependable and trustworthy AF
- A self starter, has epic ideas, and will make me thank you for suggesting something
- Has a keen eye for "clickbait"/trending travel topics, catchy social media graphics, and things/destinations that are currently being posted about
- Can quickly write articles (don't worry if you don't know about SEO and content structure yet, I'd teach you)
- Really good at researching and compiling information into spreadsheets
- Great at taking direction for responding/pitching emails
- Available for 5 hours per week

What's in it for you:
- Extremely valuable inside teachings and information about how to be a full time travel blogger/influencer/entrepreneur (seriously though, can't there be one word for that?!), valued at over $5000 since that's what I charge to teach what I'm going to teach you
- An opportunity to get a first hand feel at what it's like to be in this industry
- Contacts and connections to help propel your future career
- Potential to move into an ongoing paid position!

If ALLLLLL of the above sounds like you're the perfect unicorn of a summer intern for my brand, please continue to fill out the form below!

Thanks! xo,

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Do you qualify for most of the things I said I'm looking for?
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Instagram and Blog URL if you have one
Why do you want this internship?
Give 3 examples of "Clickbait"/Trending topics for a blog post! (Think along the lines of "13 Most Bizarre AirBnB's in America" or "15 Most Fabulous Hostels in the World Under $15", absolutely NO "Top 10 Places to Go in Europe" or anything BASIC!)
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