CHS Town Hall Story and Question Intake
Dr. Malat and the CHS Student Leadership Council will be holding a College of Humanities and Sciences Town Hall for November 17 at 6 pm. You have the opportunity to share your story and ask questions to the dean and selected members within CHS.  We are now accepting stories and questions ahead of the Town Hall. If you are interested in sharing your story, getting a question answered, or bringing up a concern please fill out the form by November 17th.
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We've seen a lot happen this summer and fall semester. If you are interested, please share your story with us on how you have been impacted and how you are dealing with everything. You have the capacity to share with the CHS dean and the greater CHS community.
If your story was selected to be shared, what format would you like to share it through? Would you like to remain anonymous, have a pre-recorded video, share during the town hall, etc.
What questions do you have for the Dr.Malat, our dean, or for the college? (this can be anything from the fees student pays to how we are managing things.)  
Do you have any concerns that you would like to bring to the attention of the council?
What is the best way for the CHS Leadership Council to contact you?
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