TK Fitness PT Client Questionnaire 
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Email *
First and Last Name *
How many time per week do you exercise? If you don't currently, when was the last time you exercised?  *
Do you have any limitations or health concerns that may affect your training or nutrition? *
Do you have a preferred method of exercise or exercises you enjoy?   *
Do you dislike any method of exercise or have exercises you do not enjoy?  *
What specific goals would you like to achieve?

How many hours of sleep do you get per night? *
What is your daily nutrition like? Please be as specific as possible.
What do you do for a living?  *
What does an average day consist of for you? *
Why are you looking for a personal trainer? *
Have you worked with a trainer before? If yes, what were the results? *
What type of exercise equipment do you have access to? *
What is preventing you from achieving your fitness goals? *
How many times per week would you like to train with a personal trainer? *
What days & times are you available to train? *
When would you like to start? *
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