Welcome to Academic Advising at GCC!

Please complete this form to request a meeting with an Academic Advisor. Once received, our Scheduling Team will review the information provided and contact you with next steps to make your appointment.

Please be sure to consistently check your student email for important communication from the Advising Team.

Prior to meeting with an advisor, students must be admitted to the college and have placement information available in order for the advisor to provide course recommendations.

If you are not ready to make an appointment but have general questions, please email advisoronline@gccaz.edu for help.

We look forward to assisting you!

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Your Maricopa Email Address *

Please provide your @maricopa.edu email address. If you are not yet admitted to Glendale Community College and do NOT have a Maricopa email, please complete an admissions application using the link to our Enrollment Steps, or email us at info@gccaz.edu for assistance.

First and Last name: *
Student ID or MEID: *
I am: *
My Field of Interest (FOI) is: ___________________. 

(For more information on our Field of Interest categories, watch our brief MCCCD Field of Interest video!)

If you have not yet decided on a FOI, what major/ career are you interested in?
My program of study/major/interest is: *
I plan on transferring to (list university):

Please provide your phone number:*

In accordance with FERPA, we are only able to speak with the student when following up on your request.

If you would like someone else present when we speak with you, you can authorize the release of information by following the steps in our FERPA Student Guide.

Is there anything else we should know to best serve you? What do you need assistance with? (Please do not include any confidential or sensitive personally identifiable information, i.e. Social Security number) *
If description of need is not listed, please give a detailed description in the "Other" option. 
Are you a Veteran or receiving Veterans'  benefits? (Dependent, Spouse, or Actual Veteran)
Please review our  Veteran Education Benefits - Checklist for Success for Veteran next steps.
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Do you need assistance with your Financial Aid (FAFSA) application? *
For your convenience, we offer virtual drop-in hours in our Online Advising Lobby every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please visit our website for more information.
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