LOOOM COLLAB: Free Space Survey
We are passionate about creating "free spaces" - inspired by the concept of “safe spaces”, these are events free of any type of discrimination, harassment and hostility, where people can feel free to come as they are, and move as they like. In this survey, we will ask you questions about your experience regarding events safety and more. Your feedback will help us develop our future practice and policies - thank you! 

Disclaimer: we will now mention experiences of sexual violence and other type of harassment at events.

All the data collected is strictly confidential and will not be shared with the public unless previously agreed.
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How often do you experience violence / harassment/discrimination in an event space? (This includes normalised violence such as staring, nonconsensual touch, awkward comments)
If you feel comfortable please describe your experiences below in few sentences
Has the fear of harassment/discrimination ever led you to self-control/self-monitor your behaviour at an event space? *
Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by crowd behaviour? (This includes lack of space to move freely, being pushed around by others etc) *
Do you ever feel unsafe expressing your own identity in an event space? (This can mean dressing and behaving the way you would in private) *
Do you ever feel unsafe coming back home from an event?  *
Please rate from 1-5, 1 being "not important" and 5 being "very important", how do you find the following tactics of tackling harassment/hostility in event spaces? (if you're not familiar with them follow your intuition) *
'Code Words' such as 'Ask for Angela Scheme'
Trained Guardians (approachable staff rather than security)
Designated Welfare Space
Collective Responsibility
After-event support (eg. number to call if unsafe on a journey home)
Easy Harassment Reporting (eg. text)
Strict Door Policy
FLINTA toilets (Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Trans and Agender)
Code of Conduct Mediation (posters etc)
Are there other tactics you can think of that could help in tackling harassment/discrimination at event spaces?
What has stopped you from stepping in and responding to a situation when witnessing harassment?
Would you be happy to pay more for an event if knowing less people will attend and the selection on the doors will be more strict? (This means more space to dance and move freely, as well as having people in who are made well aware of the code of conduct) *
Do you agree with the 'no camera on the dancefloor' policy?
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Do you consider yourself to be neurodivergent or someone with access needs?
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Please rate from 1-5, 1 being "not important" and 5 being "very important", how do you find the following tactics of creating accessible event spaces?
Clear Communication
Places to Sit / Rest
Sensory Calm Zones
Early Entry / Queue Skipping
Limited Capacity
Lower Levels of Sound
Flashing Lights Ban
Translator / Caption Box
Price Discount
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Are there other tactics you can think of that could help in creating accessible event spaces?
Please tell us of any other comments you have regarding the creation of 'free spaces'. For example, a description of a time you believe a venue/promoter didn't respond well to your access needs/report of harassment, and what you believe they did wrong

If you'd like to read our article about our thoughts behind 'free space' head here:  https://www.looomcollab.com/news-articles/why-do-we-need-free-spaces
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