Super Sheet Seeker Feedback
Prototype for IGA Level 3 Cohort 6 - Team Necromancer
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How much fun did you have playing this game?
Horrible no good very bad time.
I'd play any day of the week!
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What were your first impressions of the game?
What did you like about the game? 
What did you dislike about the game?
Do you think there's an audience for this game? If so, who is it?
Would you be excited to see a completed version of the game?
Excited to see it in my Recycle Bin.
Send me updates every day!
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(If you want our mailing list if this game gets chosen, you can provide that here~)
If this game were finished, how likely would you be to recommend it to a friend?
No one else should ever know about this.
My friends would love this!
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Anything else about this game you'd like to mention?
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