The Back Room Pitch Event: Climate Tech
We are looking for founders of Startups who have a great entrepreneurial idea related to Climate Tech.

Join us for Earth Day and pitch to our community of accredited investors, executive women and founders.

Judges will be:
1) Allison Kiang of Twelve Below

Date: April 22nd 
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm ET / 3:00-4:30pm PT

DEADLINE to apply to pitch:  April 11, 2024

Founders, you will get to:
- Give a 6 minute pitch 
- Receive feedback from 2 investors in the space
- Host your own breakout room for Q&A and network with other investors and attendees in the room.

We will only have time for approximately 4-5 founders.

Please submit your information below. We will review your application and reach out if you are selected to pitch around April 12th.

Thank you! The Fourth Effect Team

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First Name *
Last Name *
List all team members:
Company Name: *
Company website: *
Are you a member of The Fourth Effect?  *
How did you hear about this event? *
Please confirm you would like to pitch:  *
Are you currently fundraising? *
Have you raised before? *
What stage is your company? *
Please add a link to your deck here: *
Please add a link to your headshot here: *
If you are not already a member of  The Fourth Effect and you are selected to pitch, you will be gifted a FREE membership. The only obligation is to list a mentor, sponsor, advisor or board candidate role in our Board Marketplace but there is no obligation to fill it. *
Thank you!
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