Cringleford Parish Council has a Community Emergency Plan that was last revised in 2017. The Plan now needs updating so that we hold relevant information.
The many named storms of this winter remind us that our weather is getting more unpredictable, sometimes very severe, and will only get worse given the changes to our climate. This will lead to more and more emergencies in the future. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic affected everyone and led to Government emergency actions that restricted our movements for many months. In such emergencies, anyone could suddenly find themselves without food, drinking water, electricity, or vital medicines. The best way to survive and recover is to have a strong, supportive community spirit with people helping their neighbours and other local people.
Please would you let us know by completing Section A of the form overleaf if you are willing to help in an emergency situation.
Please would you let us know by completing Section B of the form overleaf if you would welcome any assistance in an emergency situation or even just a telephone call to check that you are alright.
Any information that you supply will be treated as confidential in accordance with our Data Protection Policy ( It will be kept secure, and it will only be used in an emergency by the Parish Council, the Emergency Planning Department of South Norfolk Council and Norfolk Constabulary. By returning the completed form, you are giving permission for information to be shared with these organisations.
Thank you for taking the trouble to read this information. If you have any queries or would like more information, please contact our Parish Clerk (; 01603 250198).
Please return your completed form by 1ST APRIL 2024 to The Willow Centre, 1-13 Willowcroft Way, Cringleford, Norwich, NR4 7JJ, or scan and email it to us (, or call us (01603 250198) to provide your information.
This form can also be found on our website to be downloaded and completed or can be completed