🌟 Enrol Now: Sisters in Solidarity Program - Empowering Black Women Entrepreneurs! 🌟

Thank you for your interest in the Sisters in Solidarity Program Cohort 3!

This transformative program is designed to empower Black women entrepreneurs like you and provide valuable resources to strengthen your business and personal growth.

Please fill out the application form below to apply for enrolment in the program.

📣 ðŸ“£  If you are here for a specific workshop you saw being promoted, please sign up for the program first to receive access. Once enrolled, you will receive a calendar invite with all the details.  ðŸ“£ ðŸ“£

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What is your ethnicity?

What is your preferred language for communication?
What is your first and last name? "Janet Jackson" *
What is your birth date *
What country do you live in? *
What province do you live in? *
What city do you live in? *
What is your address? *
What is your phone number?
What is your email address? *
What do you identify as? *
Business Name (if applicable):
Business Website (if applicable):
Years in Business:
Brief Description of Your Business (250 words max):
What stage is your business currently in?
Rate how ready you feel to scale your business (Scale on 1-10, 1 is a beginner and 10 is an expert)
Do you have a community of support to excel as a business owner?
Do you have any of the following
Please tell us why you are interested in joining the Sisters in Solidarity Program and what you hope to achieve through your participation.
Which aspects of the program are you most excited about? (Select all that apply)
What kind of mentorship interests you the most? *
Are you available to commit to the program weekly? *
Do you foresee any scheduling conflicts during the program duration? If yes, please provide details.


"By submitting this application, I confirm that all the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that completion of this application does not guarantee enrollment in the Sisters in Solidarity Program."
Date *
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