May Mental Health Campaign 2022: Vote, Join, Collaborate
This year marks the 5th Annual May Mental Health Awareness Campaign with the Vital Village Networks! Community leaders and network partners have been paving the way for local innovations and collaborations that uplift mental health across the network and throughout our neighborhoods since 2018.

The Mental Health Committee invites you to vote on this year’s theme, join the next planning meeting, and/or share mental health related events and resources that you want the Village to uplift during May!
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Please vote on mock up theme's and graphics for the May Mental Health Campaign 2022! [voting closed 4/29/22]
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Please leave any comments and ideas on the themes and graphics (e.g. elements you liked or want to combine from different options)
Are you an artist or do you know an artist who may be interested in collaborating with us on the May Mental Health Campaign Graphic? Share your information or recommendation below!
Please mark all ways you are interested in getting involved with the Mental Health Committee!
Provide any information on events or resources you want us to share. Alternatively, you can email them to Amy Sanchez, VVN Community Partnerships Program Coordinator at
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