Upcoming events at Park Tower
We need your ideas and suggestions to plan online Park Tower events in 2021!
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Which of the following Zoom discussion topics would you be interested in? (select as many as you like or leave blank if not interested)
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I would be interested in ATTENDING in this event
I would be interested in PLANNING this event
I would be interested in PRESENTING/ SPEAKING at this event
I would be interested in FACILITATING/ HOSTING this event
RECIPES – Residents share their favorite recipes step-by-step
TRAVEL – Residents virtually recreate their favorite trips through photos and stories
REPARATIONS – Discussion on slavery and whether the U.S. owes reparations
IMMIGRATION – Discussion on US border policy and H1B work visas
What is the best day and time for a Zoom discussion?
Please select all that apply
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Morning (10-noon)
Afternoon (1-3pm)
Evening (after 7pm)
Other thoughts/suggestions about Zoom discussions, including format, speakers, etc?
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