2022 Senior Warden Day Registration
Event Timing: May 14, 11am to 2pm CT
Event Address: In-person at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, 3200 N 12th Ave, Pensacola, FL.

Presentations will be offered by Bishop Russell and diocesan staff members. You’ll hear from a panel of experienced senior wardens who will give their insight on developing strong vestries, leading without clergy and weathering storms of various sorts. There will be ample time for your questions. You’ll leave with a better understanding of the role of senior warden, how the diocese can offer support, and have new connections with leaders from other congregations.

There will be a Zoom option, but in-person attendance is greatly encouraged. This day is a terrific opportunity to meet fellow senior wardens and get to know one another - helping to build a network of support in your unique leadership role.

Lunch will be provided. Cost is free.

Contact us at (850) 434-7337 or jenn@diocgc.org

A reminder email and the link to join via Zoom will be sent a few days prior to the event.

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Church name and city *
How will you attend? *
Are you a first-time senior warden? *
What question(s) or topic(s) would you like discussed during our time together on Senior Warden Day?
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