Product Request Form
If your student group is selling a product to your members (for example hoodies) fill out this form so we can put the ticket on sale on the Students' Union website and on our receptions. Please allow up to 5 working days for your request to be completed. If you are selling more than one product please submit a different form for each product.

Contact your staff support if you have any issues or queries.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Name *
Committee Position *
Student Group Name *
What is the name of the product? (This is what we will list on the website) *
If you want us to sell multiple products for you, separate each item with a semicolon.
Product Cost for Members (£) *
Product Cost for Non-Members (£) (If applicable)
What is the stock limit for this product? Please write the number or 'none' if there is no limit. *
If there are any customisation options for the customer, please list your requirements here (e.g. size - list all available sizes below)
If there is an additional charge for any of these customisations, please also state them here.
Write here if you need to know any additional information from the customer
For example their email address or delivery address.
When would you like this product to come off sale? (Date & Time). Leave blank if there is no end-date.
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